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Mobario Man
Android Fan
Posts: 58
Reg: Jul 15, 2013
12/13/13 05:48 AM (10 years ago)

New In-App, Highest Paying, 100% Google Compliant SDK!!!

Dear Developers! Mobario has just released its newest SDK! A fully In-App SDK!!! The developer has the option if they would like for the SDK to be Strictly In-App, or also Out-of-App. No matter which method you choose, we pay the same! Mobario is the Highest Paying PPD SDK: $50 per 1000 (USA) installs & $10 per (non-USA) installs!!! [User must keep your app for at least 1 hour to be considered a paid install] In addition, Developers that reach with our new SDK 30,000 Installs by the end of the year, will get an extra $100 on-top of our already High Paying PPD. So what are you waiting for?! Sign Up Today or Integrate our New SDK Now!!! Time is Money!!! - https://www.mobario.com/register.php Some interesting facts about Mobario: Mobario is 100% Compliant. If some of you feared from Google's new policy, no need any longer. We are in-App and we still show a EULA even there is no true need for it. Mobario has reduced significantly the amount of Ads shown. We believe we have found the right balance between ads and our Highest Paying PPD method. Mobario is multitasking at its best, bridging the gap for users between the mobile apps they love and their favorite content streams including social networks, news updates, stock quotes, sports scores and more. With Mobario, app developers keep their revenue streams flowing. It enables developers to easily add new features while increasing user engagement, retention and revenues. Mobario enhances the user experience with add-ons that keep users connected to that content without leaving the developer's app or game they’re currently using. At Mobario, we’re so confident in our solution that we pay it forward – an upfront payment to the developer for each active install. How does Mobario Work: Your users are easily distracted. No matter how useful or entertaining your app is, every time there’s a notification or a new message, it’s a distraction and temptation to exit. A common culprit? Facebook. Say a user is enjoying one of your games or apps and then receives a Facebook notification. Most users will exit the app or game and move to Facebook to comment or like the post. Bam! You have lost your user and you are not sure if they will return. The fully interactive On-Top-Widget from Mobario bridges the gap. Your users can instantly access and interact with their social networks and news updates with a customizable media space showing them new content in real time…on top of your open app. Getting on top with Mobario is as easy as 1-2-3… 1. Take five minutes to integrate the OnTop Widget in your app. 2. Sit back and watch your user engagement and retention increase. 3. Enjoy the money you earn from Day 1! Sign Up Today - https://www.mobario.com/register.php
Mobario Man
Android Fan
Posts: 58
Reg: Jul 15, 2013
12/13/13 06:05 AM (10 years ago)
2 additions I forgot to mention: We support Unity3D. Payments: 1. Mobario pays you from the $1. 2. We try to pay all developers between the 15th & 20th of the following month. 3. We pay developers using PayPal, Payoneer.com, and Wire Transfers
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
12/13/13 08:41 AM (10 years ago)
My app crashes after I click show me.on the unity3d do you use js or c# to implement?
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
12/13/13 08:45 AM (10 years ago)
You should have mentioned Payoneer sooner. I'll put your ads in one of my apps and see how it goes.
Mobario Man
Android Fan
Posts: 58
Reg: Jul 15, 2013
12/14/13 06:18 AM (10 years ago)
The quickest way to reach our Support Team is via Skype: Mobario_Support Looking forward to speaking to you all there!

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