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Replies: 4    Views: 119

Mountain Man
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 04, 2012
Mountain Time Z...
11/08/13 09:07 PM (10 years ago)

Context Menu/Submenu

Are the context menus the same as a submenu? If not, what's the main difference? What's the best way to setup submenus?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
11/08/13 11:15 PM (10 years ago)
They could be considered a submenu, I suppose. They're a feature of the BTv3 core, and since the BTv3 core for iOS has not been released (yet) it currently only works with Android (using the BTv3 core). It will work for the iOS core once the update has been released (soon). Similar to any other BT project, you would create your menu from the selection of screens you have available. This is accomplished in the 'menu' control panel, (not in a menu screen). So, similar to a normal 'menu screen', you would build your menu, but only with particular menu choices you feel suitable for the current screen. These menu choices would be available in the context menu located (usually) in the top menu bar. You assign the desired menu from the Screen Plugin properties control panel. That they are context menus, means you might have one, or you may have one for each screen. It's up to you to use them or not. What they give you is more options than the usual 'one screen' button that is currently available. So you only have one context menu per Screen, but you can have many choices in that menu. Does this help? Cheers! -- Smug
Mountain Man
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 04, 2012
Mountain Time Z...
11/11/13 08:32 AM (10 years ago)
Absolutely helps, thanks Smug....I'll keep watching for the update release so it can work on iOS.
Mountain Man
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 04, 2012
Mountain Time Z...
12/05/13 09:09 PM (10 years ago)
Now that the BTv3 core has been released this should work in iOS. Do I need to update my simulator to 7.0?
Mountain Man
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Dec 04, 2012
Mountain Time Z...
12/16/13 09:15 AM (10 years ago)
I keep getting an error that my NSFoundationVersionNumber. It says it's iOS 6.1, but I know I have updated to 7.0. Perhaps this is due to my version of Xcode?

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