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02/15/15 09:27 PM (9 years ago)

Bt apps are in dangerous with New Admob Policy and some Confusion

Google Admob is great and safe platform to monetize our apps on both Android and ios now days. here is their policy about correct implementation of banner ads on your apps. Now if you Check this policy then it'll clearly aeries a question on your bt android apps. how? let's see the following screenshot. When you seen the screenshot One of the dangerous note about out bt apps is that zoom button is coming over Admob banner ads. which will result accidental clicks and can result in banned your admob account. check that screenshot again Carefully. Now when you see the screenshot then you'll find one more fault that bt apps layout is not in compliance with new admob policy because it overlap the app content with admob banners which is clearly against the policy. Read the policy from the link above to know more about it. Now let's see the Admob Interstitial ads policy. Most of developer boosting their revenue by using this reach admob interstitial ads and it is the reason most of play store and admob account banned because incorrect implement of it. here is New admob interstitial ads policy. Now when you read that policy you'll find that if you using interstitial ads on start of your apps then it's most dangerous way to monetize. Because it's clearly not recommended. so now question is what is the correct way to place interstitial ads on Bt apps?? I need expert opinion about where to place interstitial ads on bt apps? and also about banner ads sorry for my bad English.
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Amarillo, Texas
02/16/15 10:01 AM (9 years ago)
Yea it could be "dangerous" to you losing your account if you dont implement them how they would like. You could just put the banners at the top.on the interstitals I would just add them to screens after the home screen.
Prince apps
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Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/16/15 10:43 AM (9 years ago)
yup i can see most of Top education apps having same implementation of banner ads with overlapped banner ads with app content and also a zoom button on those banners and the Big surprise is that is this issue is in built with Bt apps. i think we should inform devid to change the layout of Bt apps when it's totally wrong and not in complaint with Admob policy. Because lots of BT devs can loose their admob account because of this issue. And didn't get you buddy what do you mean by "interstitial I would just add them to screens after the home screen?" means where? Do you mean on App load? can i have your app link so i can see your implementation of interstitial ads? thanks for your response on the thread.
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Amarillo, Texas
02/16/15 11:19 AM (9 years ago)
The layout of the bt apps are not wrong because they arent compliant with admob policy. You cant change where the zoom controls are positioned I believe.Thats how Google made it.I dont think they expect people to put ads on screens with web views. You can add a zoom widget and position where you want though. David does all of his coding professionally, by the recommended way of Google. I can tell when I read the code. Just put your banner at the top of the screen if your concerned with losing your account, or just use the zoom widget and put it where you want and disable Google built in zoom widget with web view plugin(custom_url). You can also add some padding to the top of the banner add so its moved below the built in zoom control. On the interstitials, add them to every screen after the home screen or first screen which is the one that loads up when your app starts.
Prince apps
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Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/16/15 11:59 AM (9 years ago)
you're wrong buddy. Zooming button control can be turned off and can be replace at above banner as well. i did this myself. it can be done by modifying your java file. webView.getSettings().setBuiltInZoomControls(true); make it false to disable zoom button or adjust your listview in xml file to replace it's position. you mean when you place to place interstitial ads on every main menu screens? can you please send me link of one of your app buddy? so i can see it. and that on app load interstitial ads are prohibited and not allowed as per Admob policy. see the policy it's clearly marked in bold laters that it's not recommended
Android Fan
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Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/16/15 02:29 PM (9 years ago)
Ha I was right you just didn't have your code in the right place ;) all good. Glad you got it working. I didn't look in the code to see how it was implemented just was guessing. I think you could of disabled it in control panel as well.not sure. I don't make apps for myself so I don't have any examples. In the control panel, go to your app then click layout. Whatever screen is entered in as the home or tab 1 if your using tabs, is the first/home screen. Put ads on any screen except that home/first screen
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02/16/15 02:38 PM (9 years ago)
You can download my app Opera Music, here: It uses banner ads all over the place, but please notice that ads are distinct from the menus and videos by a tiny bar of different color. I am running interstitial ads as well. They will appear every three minutes or so, and after a specified number of visits to certain screens. The plugin that is running the ads is my own version of Susan's Menu with Image plugin, amongst others. There is a thorough description of the parameters in control panel, here: I plan to have my own versions of the HTML plugins too. I shall take your advice into account, so that nothing overlaps the ads. Speaking as a programmer, yes, it is quite possible to eliminate action bars in Android when the app runs. It is just that no one has as yet asked for something like that. Using interstitials at the very beginning of the app does not make much sense. I did that last year, and while that did bring some money too, the ad agency that I used, went out of business within less than a year. Google AdMob is good and safe, but is not the only show in town. It is possible to ad ads from other agencies too, dynamically, without the need to resubmit the app to the store only to change the ad supplier. But I haven't implemented that as yet, so I have no data do backup any claim, which agency would be the best instead of AdMob. This "new" requirements in AdMob are not new for AdSense in any way. We had that experience some time in 2007 or 2008, where all the ads had to be separated from, say, an image in the page, or from a video. And you can be sure that Google will slap you and your ads once or twice in the future, so better prepare in advance!
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Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/16/15 10:06 PM (9 years ago)
@CMCOFEE you didn't get me buddy it's not my layout fault. it was inbuilt with buzztouch code. @Dusko thanks a lot buddy for your valuable feedback on the thread. yup my banner is already distinct from menu but it's on bottom of screen and not on top like your app. i'm not beginner. I've apps on play store from last 1 year and have some downloads but i'm not using interstitial ads coz i'm afraid to use it because of tough Admob interstitial ads policy. I've seen your app. Interstitial ads popping after every two clicks on menu items in your app. which is correct implement i would like to say but again question aeries when admob Interstitial policy says like below. Policy "Avoid placing interstitial ads during periods of on-screen user interaction in your mobile app, especially if the user is regularly clicking. If the user is focused on a task at hand, they may not expect an interstitial ad to pop up on the screen." so still you say your implement of interstitial ads is correct buddy? if yes then how? and from how long time you using these interstitial ads in your apps? Waiting for your response so i can decide to place Interstitial ads on my apps too. Thanks before
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02/16/15 10:45 PM (9 years ago)
>so still you say your implement of interstitial ads is correct No, all I can say is that Google has not told me it was incorrect, so far. >Avoid placing interstitial ads during periods of on-screen user interaction in your mobile app In my app, there is not much user interaction at all. The user decides to listen to a YouTube video, or to listen to an entire list of videos, which may take up to several hours. During that time, there is no interaction, so it is not a game in which the user is obliged to click every few seconds and then the interstitial ad appears, treacherously. >If the user is focused on a task at hand, In my app, they are not focused on task at hand, they go commuting or reading in a bus, listening to music. >every two clicks on menu items In my version of AdMob menu, you have the ability to dynamically change the number of clicks after which the interstitial ads appear. Enter 0 and there will be not interstitial ads at all. That is Buzztouch at its best. You may want to read this study by Google themselves: Here is a relevant excerpt: Recently, he also has started experimenting with interstitial ads, which are currently being used in the newest version of “Leg Workout” and “Blood Pressure.” To make interstitials as unintrusive as possible in “Leg Workout,” for example, he shows them once per app session, when the user finishes doing all the exercises, or pushes the pause button. With “Blood Pressure,” ads are shown once per app session with seven days’ delay after installation. The end result is that Klimaszewski is able to earn more revenue, while still providing an enjoyable user experience. So, it's once per session and only after the user has already interacted with the app, at some kind of a break point. My own app could do better with this advice, I must admit. >and from how long time you using these interstitial ads in your apps Since September 2014, when I revamped the app. I think, however, that you are missing the point. Google is not against clicking that leads to purchases for the advertiser, they are against the accidental clicking that cannot bring purchases because the user had no intention to buy anything in the first place.
Prince apps
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Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/17/15 12:37 AM (9 years ago)
@Dusko Thanks a lot buddy for your brief explanation about Admob confusing policy. really appreciate your help your response make me excited to place interstitial ads on my apps as well. thanks for that case study examples as well. my app is one of tutorial app with same like this app on play store. So according to you if i place same interstitial like you placed it will be okay? i need your opinion so please buddy check it out and give me correct direction to place interstitial ads on my app. how can i place interstitial ads to make positive user experience and without any accidental clicks as you said in last? your help will be really appreciated buddy
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02/17/15 02:39 AM (9 years ago)
please don't say buddy all the time...
Prince apps
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02/17/15 02:47 AM (9 years ago)
ohh why @leonG? any suggestion on this thread?
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02/17/15 03:18 AM (9 years ago)
>same like this app on play store. Is that your own app or you are just contemplating an app like that? I have downloaded that app and it is very nice, probably useful too. However, I cannot tell you exactly where and how to put interstitial ads into the app, that is something you must discover for yourself. Test, test, test!
Prince apps
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Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/17/15 04:17 AM (9 years ago)
No to be honest it's not my app but my app is similarlike this app. And rreally confuse about where to place interstitial ads on it? If i use same implementation like you is that be fine? I don't wanna give test which can delete my admob account permanently. So pleasebbuddy i need your valuable suggestions Thanks before
Prince apps
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Posts: 121
Reg: Nov 23, 2012
02/17/15 05:54 AM (9 years ago)
ohh why @leonG? any suggestion on this thread?

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