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Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Sep 16, 2013
12/24/14 03:33 AM (9 years ago)

Plugin defaults to Blank screen plugin

Hi All, About a week ago all was good - today I logged in and the 'HTML 5' plugin seems to be defaulting as 'Blank Screen' plugin - that is, no Custom HTML and Doc Behaviour options when I try to modify or build a screen. I have several HTML5 screen and the edit area for HTML component has disappeared. If I try to add a new screen with this plugin, the screen icon shows HTML5, but functionality is that of 'Blank Screen'. I checked the SQL table and everything seemed to be okay. I then deleted the plugin from the server, refreshed the plugins admin page, which then showed the HTML5 plugin as no longer installed. I then uploaded the plugin again and refreshed the plugins admin page an the plugin was available again. Checking SQL showed it as a new entry. But it still seems to be pointing to 'Blank Screen' instead of HTML5... seems like something is corrupted but I can't see what that might be. Has anyone had this experience? What solutions are suggested?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/25/14 05:19 PM (9 years ago)
I'd check the json config file (BT_config.txt) of your project. It'd probably make it easier to read if you format it via jsonlint.com What screens are listed? Are any of your other plugins there? In your Control Panel 'Layout' page for the app, which screen is your 'home' screen? That may have something to do with it also... Cheers! -- Smug
Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Sep 16, 2013
12/25/14 05:59 PM (9 years ago)
Hi Smug, Thanks for the response. I hope you have had a great Christmas. JSON config appears to be okay - jsonlint says no issue. CustomHTML is referenced as the correct screen type for those screens that are set as such. I am using tabbed layout, and everything functions as I expect (with the exception of the CustonHTML screens). The screens themselves are comprised of a picture top half, text with email link in the bottom half. The problem is that the ability to edit the text and links has disappeared from the BT edit screens on my self host BT server. So when I compile my app and run it, just the pictures appear (text and email links are gone). I can only assume I have a corrupt settings file that has defaulted the HTML plugin to Blank plugin. But as noted above, all appears to be okay in the SQL table that lists the plugins and the admin page also lists the plugin as okay. It just doesn't seem to want to display the HTML editing function within the plugin screen.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/25/14 06:18 PM (9 years ago)
hmm... Well, some of us don't use the CustomHTML page, but some of us do. Basically, it's just a java powered HTML editor. The actual 'page' is kept on the server, whether it's self hosted or BT. If you're self hosted, you can find those documents in /files/applications/<App UUID>/documents - perhaps you can edit them manually, or at least look and see what's happening. Let us know how it goes. Cheers! -- Smug PS, Merry Christmas to you too! :)
Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Sep 16, 2013
12/26/14 02:10 AM (9 years ago)
Hi Smug, The files with the text and email links were found in the location you noted above. Finding things where they should be has continued to deliver frustration, but I appreciate trouble shooting is about checking all possible causes and eliminating potential issues as you go. It's fair to say I'm not a coder by any stretch. Part of what I like about BT is that I can use the plugins as building blocks to create what I need without needing to be a qualified coder. After the above, I decide to start to look into the structure of plugins, using the CP2Project doc you had written (which forms part of the BT How To's for anyone else reading this thread and interested). I started to look at the config_cp.txt file and thought I was onto something. But it turns out not all plugins are created equally and not all plugins outline the propertySections in the config_cp file. I noticed your smugmsgloc does per the HowTo doc. I chose to delete the plugin again and tried to upload direct from my online account within the BT Server - this hadn't worked for me previously either, so I ended FTP'ing and then hit "refresh plugins" which worked, as it did in the past. Strangely, the missing propertySections have appeared again on my self host BTserver screens when I start try to edit them. Weirdly, I checked the BT_config.txt again to see if it was different to the newly compiled version, and it appears to be the same (that is reference to the html files with the Documents folder is there in both, and are the same file name as well). Long story short, the issue has corrected itself amongst all of this recent activity. I'm sorry to say I can't offer a definitive response to what wasn't working. I can add that I am writing an app for my car club, which provides links to our social media, committee emails and utilising your smugmsgloc, a find me I'm lost function should any of our members take a wrong turn during a club drive. So, thank you for making that very useful plugin available to all of us. And finally, thank you for your responses to this issue. Again, apologies I don't have a clear understanding of the solution that I can share. Enjoy the holiday season. Thanks again Smug!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/26/14 04:24 AM (9 years ago)
You know, it's all a big jigsaw puzzle sometimes. And even though you have pieces put together, sometimes it's not enough to see the 'big picture', and then sometimes you can understand the goal even though a few pieces are missing. Just keep on keeping on, and sooner or later you'll go 'ahhhhhh' and a chunk makes sense. and it starts happening more frequently as you go. Pretty soon you'll know what you're doing, live without a net. :) Glad you're back working. The bottom line is the bottom line. Cheers! -- Smug

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