Aspiring developer
Posts: 47
Reg: Apr 24, 2014
New Jersey
05/04/14 02:49 PM (9 years ago)

Menu Question

Ok I have lots of questions but I will stick with 2 of them right now. First,I build the menu and had a feeling it wasn't going to show up right so I downloaded for Xcode and ran it to see what it would look like. I set the background color to a light brownish but when I run the app it only shows in white, WHY? Next I used the menu button pluggin and want the button to show up 3 across but in the simulator it shows like 4 or 5 across I how do I adjust this. If anyone could help me with this that would be great
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
05/04/14 03:24 PM (9 years ago)
Welcome to BuzzTouch! :-) Menus lists have: - Background color for the whole screen - Background color for the actual list of menu items -- try setting it to "clear" The layout for the Menu Button screen can be controlled by the Button Size section. Just adjust the settings for Size and Margin. -- Niraj
Aspiring developer
Posts: 47
Reg: Apr 24, 2014
New Jersey
05/04/14 03:43 PM (9 years ago)
I figured it all out. First I forgot to put the # sign in front of the color so it wasn't really a color..DUH. Then next to change the grid layout I just had to change sizes. I think I figured it out. I am sure to have more question but at least these I figured out. Thanks you

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