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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 385
Reg: Dec 26, 2010
02/11/12 09:21 AM (12 years ago)

Content in live app not refreshing when I update text in custom HTML screen (odd?)

Hello folks, An odd one :) I have a iOS 1.5 app published. The idea is that in the app people can email me text, and then I log into buzztouch and add that text to a custom HTML page in the app. I've updated text in apps like this many times, no problems. Now, with this app, I had the dev version on my phone, but while I closed & reopened & hit 'refresh' many times, the latest text didn't display on the custom HTML page. I then deleted the app entirely and downloaded it from iTunes... and the latest text displayed on it. But when I then tried to update the text again (and get it to display without having to redownload the app entirely) and hit refresh, the new text doesn't display. Its like the refresh button isn't doing its job... ? Can't figure out if I've forgotton something really obvious !!!! or if I have gremlins.. Thanks! Elaine.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 385
Reg: Dec 26, 2010
02/11/12 09:22 AM (12 years ago)
Doh, ok it works now maybe there was a delay.. thanks! :)

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