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Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
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08/22/12 02:55 AM (11 years ago)

Customizing SMS with text chosen by user

Hi everyone, I haven't found any answer to my problem in other threads. Basically, I would like to give my users the option to send a message to somebody from their contact list. The content of this message would be given by my app as text, the user would just chose a contact he likes and then sends it him. The dynamic parameters would be the phone number and the text message to send in the sms. I was thinking I could display a "send by sms" button next to a text string within a html screen, but I don't know what should be the action of this button, or if there is any code I can start from. The SMS plugin doesn't seem appropriate as it fetches the parameters (phone number and sms content) in a jason file. Anybody has an idea or suggestion to start with? Hope this is clear, otherwise please let me know for me to clarify (and sorry in this case). Thanks all
Fred@mySkylla com
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08/22/12 01:12 PM (11 years ago)
What BTv?
Apple Fan
Posts: 169
Reg: Jul 15, 2012
08/22/12 08:20 PM (11 years ago)
use the "Share via SMS" instead of the "Send SMS" plugin - the phone number can then my entered or selected, its fully dynamic Dave
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
moving within e...
08/23/12 01:20 AM (11 years ago)
Hey guys, The BT version I'm using is the most recent one. @SkullyFox: Sorry for the term "dynamic" I wrote, it's confusing. To be more precise, I'd like the body text of the sms to be prepopulated with some text chosen by the user.
Apple Fan
Posts: 169
Reg: Jul 15, 2012
08/23/12 02:29 AM (11 years ago)
Yeah well you can leave the field that populates the message in the control panel blank, this will create a text message with nothing in it enabling the user to add their own content. Further to this even if you had per-populated data in the text message, the user is easily able To manipulate/remove it and type what they want. If the control panel demands you enter some text for the body of the text message, you could add "your SMS here" or something like that prompting the user to enter their own text. The share via SMS makes all aspects of the SMS editable, simple Populate it with as much or as little data as you want. Hope this helps Dave

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