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Aspiring developer
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Reg: Jun 01, 2016
12/23/16 09:12 AM (8 years ago)

Competitors of Buzztouch

Hi, I'm a subscriber of Buzztouch. Since it is acquired now, I cannot afford the cost that Buzztouch will be charging from Jan 01 onwards. Let me know if there are any other companies like Buzztouch which may suit my budget. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
12/23/16 01:37 PM (8 years ago)
Hi Scorpion You are welcome to look out there for a better priced solution I have done the research. There isn't a better deal. BTW pricing has not changed for most members. It's just you are not getting the service for free anymore. Also this kind of post on Buzztouch's forum is extremely bad taste. Let this be a warning I am very close to deleting this post all together. So be careful what you post further. I expect though that my claims on pricing will be backed up by other "paying" members. I also looked at your account, You are not a subscriber (not paid BT for membership) since you joined this is your first post and have made zero apps on BT. Vishnu, happy to discuss further in private in email at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> Kristen
Calypso Kid
Aspiring developer
Posts: 780
Reg: Mar 09, 2012
Upstate New Yor...
12/23/16 02:05 PM (8 years ago)
Another Bull**it post. You're right Kristen, all of the bogus accounts will be screaming come Jan 1
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
12/23/16 03:37 PM (8 years ago)
Hey Kristen, don't delete this kind of crap, it's a nice piece of fun for all of us who know what we are able to create with a moderate fee... Stupidity is so funny sometimes...
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 69
Reg: Dec 03, 2012
Long Beach
12/23/16 08:22 PM (8 years ago)
Delete this garbage post. This website is important for many people who use the service. For business owners like myself who refer clients and friends here, I would like for it to be a nice honest place. This person is trashing Buzztouch for fun. Not cool.
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
12/23/16 09:40 PM (8 years ago)
There is actually a competitor named dropsource, which seems a lot like buzztouch. I thought it was buzztouch rebranding itself because of the similar offers they have. What makes buzztouch way better than any other app maker is the community. A lot of us have others contact info and have gotten to know each other well. There's no community this supportive. The price of buzztouch is way cheaper than other app making software that offer a lot less also.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
12/24/16 06:16 AM (8 years ago)
What a quite weird and wonderfully whacky post, off you run son.
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
12/24/16 12:16 PM (8 years ago)
If you can't afford $15 a month, how will you afford the other more substantial costs to making apps? To make apps, you really need a decent computer so that your apps can compile in a reasonable amount of time. You need to pay Apple $99 per year plus tax. Then think about the programming costs. If you were to give up Buzztouch, then you better know either Javascript like the back of your hand, or Objective C and Java, and the app making frameworks that go with it. Your learning curve will be very slow, and you won't have an app for a year, or you will spend $10,000 to get a simple app made. Now think about the back-end of Buzztouch. With Buzztouch, you get an on-line backend to host your app content and allow you to make changes on the fly. I am not sure where you could get something like that anywhere. $15 is just such a reasonable price for what you get. You can see why the existing Buzztouch subscribers are so passionate--we know absolutely that Buzztouch is the best deal on the planet.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 175
Reg: Dec 26, 2012
Johannesburg, S...
12/26/16 01:52 AM (8 years ago)
Yep. I have looked at lots of other options and the cost is way more. Buzz touch is the way to go! I am glad Kaybee took over. Was getting concerned that the platform was dying and did not invest too much time in it recently. Now super motivated again!

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