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Aspiring developer
Posts: 74
Reg: Jun 14, 2011
11/12/11 02:10 PM (12 years ago)

I know you guys a busy but is Android 1.5 dead?

I know you guys have a lot going on with the Buzztouch sever and things but the way Android 1.5 is at right now. It is almost useless. I'm wondering when work on 1.5 will continue if at all. Thanks for all you do!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 48
Reg: Nov 04, 2011
11/12/11 03:12 PM (12 years ago)
wondering the same :/
Android Fan
Posts: 35
Reg: Sep 02, 2011
11/12/11 03:19 PM (12 years ago)
From from I have gathered the work they are currently doing on self-hosted server fits into 1.5 here. I am sure we will see some upgrades in the near future. Wanting to use really bad myself:)
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
11/12/11 06:16 PM (12 years ago)
Patience is a virtue, Yes, I'm bitting at the bit waiting for additional screens, But I occupy myself learning other things. May Santa will be nice and give us one screen this week.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/12/11 06:29 PM (12 years ago)
If you look at the forum, FAQ's, change-log etc you'll see what the plans for v1.5 on Android are. Read the parts (well read all docs) about the plugin architecture and so on. There are many answers to this question already if you have a wee poke around. Have a good weekend!
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
11/12/11 11:51 PM (12 years ago)
Totally get it. The 'It is almost useless' could be true, maybe not, depends on who's asking. So the idea that any of these are ever done is relative to so may other things. We've spent a few years giving away code and solutions and trying to put together a good approach. The biggest challenge we face is this: If we give away canned code that tons of our users don't uderstand. The biggest issue with v1.5 is the level of complexity. Fact is, all the advanced goodness causes some serious confusion, and frankly, a boat-load of questions by folks that simply don't understand what their getting into. Case in point: 'my header image doesn't work' posts are everywhere these days with Android v1.5. They don't work because the people trying to get them to work assumes the simple control panel options should 'just work' (as they should) but the fact is, they don't in many cases for many reasons. It always boils does to all the options available - way too many in most cases. So, the newly emerging plugin architechture (availabe on self-hosted control panels today) aims to solve many of these problems. The idea is that we can create simple AND complex plugins that are optimized to do ONE THING and do that one thing well. It needs to 'just work'. Example: A list menu with a header image. Not a list menu that MAY have a header image, may have icons, may be scrollable, my be any combination of things (there are hundreds of combinations when you have 30 advanced options). All the various options are relatively simple in iOS but have turned extraodinarily complex in Android. Developing more specific screens is much much faster and everyone benefits from the 'just works' result. The plugins approach allows us to make more and more screens with more and more specific purposes...and...it allows app owners to easily copy a certain type of screen to tweak it 'just a bit' for their exact purpose. All of this leads to a better end-result with far less frustration on your end and less support on ours. The current model doesn't have any long-term staying power and if we want to be around long term (we do) we need an entirely new approach - the plugin approach is our new approach. Android v1.5 is not any more 'dead' than anything we've done...it's an evolving process. The code that's coming out for the plugins is totally usable in any iOS or Android project but the developer has to understand how to use it. If we focus on helping people understand how the plugins work, and get away from this insane 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.never ending versioning thing we'll all benefit. Open note to all: Try to get away from the versioning perspective and the idea that 'v1.5 isn't done' and try to get into the idea that in essence you have a core-app + a bunch of screens. If you can look at it this way you'll see that there really is no difference between 1.5 and plugins..it's the same idea with a different sound. This is just a long way to say that the development efforts you see today (because we are 100% transparent as we go) will help you whether you have a v1.5 app or a plugin app or whatever. Core Code + iOS View Controllers / Android Activities + JSON configuration data = all the screens you can imagine. Smile.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 48
Reg: Nov 04, 2011
11/13/11 08:18 AM (12 years ago)
Im sorry David ahaha its just that sometimes i tend to be expresive maybe too much sometimes.. but you know what could really help to everybody? especially with the 2.0 server?? VIDEOS it would be great, so instead of answering you could just post a link to the video which explains the basic stuff and dedicate the forum only to deeper problems..I think it would be a good idea! I know how to upload all the server into a webpage (my webpage is wordpress-made and the process is very very similar), i read the readme and the only thing i dont know is how to make the /file directory writable :/ and also ive another question, creating a new mysql is really necessary? i could use one of my free-hosting webpage i left behind for it heheh, i could create the mysql but the problem is i have no idea where was it hosted hahahah *opening filezilla UPDATE: Its upload, i already know how to make it writable, but, when i write the http://youdomain.com/BT-server/install/ it says error not found...any idea? UPDATE 2: For some reason, Filezilla only uploaded empty folders..nothing was in.. I've to re-upload everything manually UPDATE 3: I uploaded it all...still not working... i later created a database, uploaded it from phpmyadmin and showed an empty database..I've no idea what im doing wrong.......
Aspiring developer
Posts: 74
Reg: Jun 14, 2011
11/13/11 09:14 AM (12 years ago)
Thanks for explaining David. I understand a lot better now. Keep up all the great work! Thanks for everything!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 48
Reg: Nov 04, 2011
11/13/11 12:06 PM (12 years ago)
someone could help me installing? I uploaded it and it says not found.. update: nevermind.. i found the problem..

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