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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: Dec 21, 2010
09/11/11 01:15 PM (12 years ago)

App rejected

Bummer! I got lazy and one of my most beautiful apps got rejected due to Apps that provide a poor user experience are not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines... bla bla you know the drill. It bugs me because I had a hunch that maybe this one will not pass. I tried to tell the customer that also but not enough I guess. And I also put to much attention to the design instead of the functionality. Well. Lesson learned: Apple have high standards and I also must give them thumbs up for that cause I myself hate apps that offer me nothing as a user and that is what I have uploaded for review. BR/Stefan
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
09/11/11 03:05 PM (12 years ago)
Don't be too tough on yourself, you know what you are doing as much as anyone on here. Still smarts though. New day tomorrow, new opportunities.
Apple Fan
Posts: 481
Reg: Dec 30, 2010
09/11/11 11:20 PM (12 years ago)
Hej Stefan! Which paragraph is it that Apple complaining about? Jag kanske kan hjälpa dig!!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 558
Reg: Dec 21, 2010
09/12/11 01:21 AM (12 years ago)
@MacApple - Thanks. You are right. New days=new opportunities @Mackimack - Thanks for you offer. I really appreciate it - but as we say in sweden there is no danger on the roof Lol. Med små fixningar som att man kan spara ned bilder, maila dem vidare, sms integration, kalendarium är jag säker på att appen kommer att gå igenom. Blev bara lite arg på mig själv att jag inte la ned lite mer tanke bakom appens funktioner innan jag skickade in den. Som appen är nu så är den i princip en förlängning av en webbsida och det vet jag ju att Apple inte gillar. Appen är för en konstnär som bor i Norge och hon vill även sälja sina alster via appen och får jag till det så är det säkert inga problem alls. Går det bra för dig annars? Jag väntar på android 1.5 ska verkligen bli spännande att se hur det blir. Fridens så länge/Stefan

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