Discussion Forums  >  Crashes, Memory Warnings

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Crown Solutions
Aspiring developer
Posts: 463
Reg: Nov 11, 2011
01/08/13 03:57 PM (11 years ago)

symbolicate crash Report

Has anyone done this with success here? I have a crash report from Apple I need to figure out, but without being able to symbolicate it, it really does not help me. Of course I can not get the app to crash so I have to rely on this. Second go round with an Apple rejection for this same issue so it must not have been a fluke? I was looking for a video tutorial, but no luck. Seeing if anyone has a good reference.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
01/08/13 04:00 PM (11 years ago)
Hey buddy. Hate to post a link to somewhere else but saw it mentioned on here before I think: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3832900/how-to-manually-symbolicate-ios-crash-to-view-crash-logs/8648232#8648232 All the best, sure someone has encountered it and will jump in.
Crown Solutions
Aspiring developer
Posts: 463
Reg: Nov 11, 2011
01/08/13 10:02 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the link, I did some more digging, and found out I might be out of luck. The way to do this would be to open Xcode organizer and drag the .crash file into device logs. Then select it and select Re-Symbolicate (bottom of the screen). Problem is, in the build settings I had striped debug symbols on the release version,(default setting) so when I try to Re-Symbolicate there is no change.

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