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Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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06/12/20 06:29 AM (4 years ago)

Buzztouch 4.0.5 for iOS - Pre-Release [Beta]

Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well- these are some crazy times. Apologies this update took so long- I've kept thinking "today is the day this rolls out!" (and thus, not wanted to post anything "officially")- yet there were several delays preventing a quicker release of this beta. A new beta of the Buzztouch core for iOS has just rolled out. This release is primarily to address the issues when publishing new apps using UIWebKit which is now deprecated. (See Apple's press release at https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=12232019b for more information on UIWebKit's deprecation timeline). The core (and BT_Screens) have been updated to remove UIWebView. To grab the latest beta, head to your app's Download Project webpage, and select the “[iOS Beta] Buzztouch Core v4.0.5” option from the new “Build Version” drop down. When you download a project the .zip archive name will look something like: [appName]_iOS_BTv4.0.5.zip This post will be updated as further beta releases (and anticipated fixes!) roll out. If you encounter any issues or bugs please post them to this thread. ---------------------------------------- ### Changes ### View the “BETA-NOTES.txt” text file inside your project download for a current list of changes. ### Known Issues ### - Alert, Prompt and Confirm dialogs do not currently appear. They need to be reimplemented using the “runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage”, “runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage” and “runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt” methods. - PDF viewing now shows the page count (ie, page 1 / 19). - “Scale pages to fit” (which previously happened automatically) is not available in WKWebView, but can be re-implemented in Javascript (if needed). - Local file loading may be unavailable in some early versions of iOS8 (this is a bug Apple fixed in the later versions of iOS8). - Some files extensions are unsupported at this point. If you find one, please post below so I can investigate the correct handling of that file extension. - When publishing a new app to the App Store, plugins you have in your project may still reference UIWebKit and cause your app to be rejected. If possible, it would be helpful if you can search for “UIWebView” in your project- and find the screens and plugins that reference the old API. Perhaps I can go through the most commonly used plugins and update them as well. - When exiting the iOS video player, the web view remains blank, rather than giving an option to replay video, or pushing back to the previous screen. (This is how the previous functionality worked, but could be improved upon from a user experience perspective). - Note: WKWebView enforces CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing)- something that UIWebView never enforced. ---------------------------------------- Personal note: A large part of the lack of forum updates is due to the unforeseen impact COVID-19 has had on my day job, really effecting the hours I'm able to invest in my passion over here. Hopefully, come late July- I'll be able to return to a normal schedule (given this year, I wouldn't be surprised if it was longer).
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
06/15/20 08:17 AM (4 years ago)
Thanks 'Cakebit'
Code is Art
Posts: 35
Reg: Jul 17, 2011
06/16/20 07:05 AM (4 years ago)
Thank you.
Apple Fan
Posts: 24
Reg: Jun 20, 2011
Gainesville, Fl...
06/21/20 07:32 AM (4 years ago)
Apple Fan
Posts: 24
Reg: Jun 20, 2011
Gainesville, Fl...
06/21/20 10:23 AM (4 years ago)
Never mind. I figure it out. :)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 348
Reg: Apr 03, 2012
06/22/20 01:54 AM (4 years ago)
Thanks Cakebit! Good work!
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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06/24/20 05:30 PM (4 years ago)
Hi Blue! I've added the "ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption" item with a value of "false" to the BT_info.plist file in BTv4.0.5. This should prevent you from having to take the questionnaire in App Store Connect when uploading your app. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/itsappusesnonexemptencryption Note: Should your app use custom (non-standard) encryption, you should set this value to "true", and provide Apple with the information they require- to prevent your app being rejected.
Apple Fan
Posts: 24
Reg: Jun 20, 2011
Gainesville, Fl...
06/25/20 10:28 AM (4 years ago)
Thank you.
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
08/06/20 01:10 AM (4 years ago)
Hi all! Thanks to everyone who participated in the beta, Buzztouch 4.0.5 for iOS is now live for both Buzztouch.com users and those using Self Hosted panels. Visit the App Download page to grab the latest source for your iPhone / iPad apps and check out the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file for an overview of the changes. Comment below if you have any issues, we'll do our best to get those sorted. :) Thanks everyone for the feedback and for using Buzztouch!

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