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pointerBack to discussions for "App & iTunes Store Viewer"
Replies: 1    Views: 61
Aspiring developer
Posts: 35
Reg: May 29, 2012
03/22/14 06:05 AM (10 years ago)

Wait message?

Thanks for creating a great plugin.
I notice that depending on network speed there is a 3-6 second wait before the itunes screen arrives.
Meanwhile it would be nice to have a message saying "Connecting to iTunes. Please wait..."
It would calm down the impatient user.
Is this possible?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 47
Reg: Nov 16, 2013
Lubbock, TX
10/24/14 07:07 AM (9 years ago)
Is there a way to incorporate the Affiliate ID so that we can make money on the user's purchase?

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