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pointerBack to discussions for "Menu with Image"
Replies: 3    Views: 80
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
12/23/12 07:10 AM (11 years ago)

Using Hi Res and Low Res Header Images

I recently had an issue getting the header image to look good on 'lowly apple devices' (i.e. my 3GS). If I followed the instructions, my hi res header image looked bad when compressed on my iPgone. @SusanMetoxen gave me a good tip (thanks Susan); I made the header image at a lowish resolution, then I supplied an @2x version of the header image in the build, IOS picked it up for retiuna devices and iPads and this worked a treat. But it is IOS specific.

I'm now updating my app to work on Android, but this trick doesn't work for Android, so all I can use that works for both is a low resolution image.

I'd like to have a high resolution image for android tablets. Any idea's please?

Thanks in advance, Alan
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
12/28/12 06:58 PM (11 years ago)
Just to close this out--the issues that Alan experienced occurred with an image that did not look good when the pixels were compressed into the image size. The Menu with Image plugin is built to make it easy for the developer by allowing only one image, and it looks fine most of the time. If you do run into problems, Alan has described the solution for iOS above. For Android, you need to have four versions of the image in different sizes and place those in the drawable folders--ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi. Android knows which image to place in which type of device and automatically places the right image in at runtime.
Code is Art
Posts: 75
Reg: Nov 11, 2011
01/10/13 02:21 AM (11 years ago)
ok but what if you use and url image on android
Code is Art
Posts: 75
Reg: Nov 11, 2011
01/10/13 02:39 AM (11 years ago)
ok i made a workaround for online simply copy the header image a few times for the menu mine looks like this:

menu 1 got header image link

menu 2 got header image link

and so on that works.
it seems that when loading a web image in android its not so fund with loading that same image for the other menu's this workaround should fix that.

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