Stop Watch

buzztouch plugin: Stop Watch
Version: v1.1
Stop Watch is a handy timer that resembles the real thing, offering familiar functionality to your app users. Simple start, stop and reset buttons at the top of the watch count down the hours, minutes and seconds on the LCD.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerTyroner | 05/13/14 (v1.1)
I included this plugin into my mountainbike trails app and it works well. The service from developer is excellent. You are also free to customise it to your preferences by tweaking the included xib file.
More Information
Stop Watch is a handy timer that resembles the real thing, offering familiar functionality to your app users. Simple start, stop and reset buttons at the top of the watch count down the hours, minutes and seconds in an awesome looking realistic LCD fashion.

The stopwatch will also continue to run in the background, up to Apple’s built in limits (up to 3 minutes if completely exited out of the app, and indefinitely during auto-lock or screen dim).

Everything is laid out an a handy XIB file for the ultimate in customization. The background that you see in the screenshots is also included, and visible by default, but if you prefer to use your own apps background, or something else, you can simply remove it from the XIB file. The text instructions printed on the stopwatch itself is also fully editable with just a few clicks.

Version History
Version 1.1 - Fixed typo in .m file, replacing with BT_appdelegate (thanks Tyroner for pointing it out)

Version 1.0 - Initial public release

iOS Project

Android Project
iOS (iPhone) Only.