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pointerBack to discussions for "CircleView List Menu"
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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
12/13/12 03:55 PM (11 years ago)

Suggestions for Circle Menu

A great plug-in that definitely adds that little extra something to your app!

I came across an odd effect when testing my app across all the simulator variations, iPhone, iPad and retina. For example, when changing from a 3.5 inch iphone to a 4inch screen, the left hand margin increased, shifting the menu text to the right. The bottom row shifted further than the top row, cutting off text to the right hand side and changing the curve of the menu. It is as if the centre of the menu curve shifted.

Overall, this plug-in added a great enhancement to my app; I have a couple of suggestions that might make it even better. Some of the changes might be more useful in landscape, some in portrait, but I think they could all add o the great effect of this menu.

1) The ability to set the starting position of the menu, being able to set the left hand margin and top margin for the first row. This would be different for small and large devices.

2) To change the menu curve positioning. This might be by setting the origin of the curve as an x,y co-ordinate.

3) To be able to adjust the radius of the curve.

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