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Fingers Crossed
Veteran developer
Posts: 234
Reg: Jan 16, 2012
Simcoe, ON
05/07/14 07:29 PM (10 years ago)

Instant Database App Plugin Questions

I was going to PM these questions, then figured others might have them too, so I posted them in the forum! I was just going to purchase the plug-in (and likely will anyway), but I was a bit unsure of some of the functionality. 1) I know that to add to the database it's a manual effort. User emails a form, we type into spreadsheet, re-export CSV (or update CSV, whichever) 2) Reviews/Photos. I wasn't clear how this hung together. Do the reviews/photos get emailed? Do they get posted to our server and added to the 'review' option automatically? 3) Nice job on the youtube integration 4) Similar to the reviews, the 'visited' flag, is it held in the/a database on our server? I'm trying to gauge how much manual effort is required if this is used as a 'sales catalogue' for want of a better phrase. Appreciate any input. Thanks.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
05/07/14 08:01 PM (10 years ago)
Hey Fingers Crossed, Think of all posts/updates on "semi-autopilot". This is setup by default to avoid spam issues, but can be adjusted to either full auto or completely manual... Your choice. If a user submits a new location, that is the only part that's manual. The new location brings up a description of what info is needed, followed by an action sheet that loads a pre filled out email template, so the only enter a few details. This email gets sent to you to decide if it's valid data or not. On semi-auto, Reviews and photos get saved to the database directory, but under a different file name so they don't show up right away until you change the prefix of the photo file names (uploaded_ to photo_). If you want them to post immediately, there's a line in the php that you simply change the default file prefix, and it will go to full auto. This isn't recommended though... You'll get "junked" eventually, lol. If you really wanted to, you could replace the whole system with an email action sheet like the new locations to make it fully manual, but there would be no reason to do so. The visited flag is tied to the users local device. Locations stay marked even if upgrading the app. It's not tied to the database, only the record numbers from the database are saved to a local database on the users device, then cross referenced when they view a location to see if the box is checked or not. All all happens before the user even sees the screen, and is instant. This way your database isn't storing and loading tons of user location data that doesn't apply to them. Believe it or not, the full auto pilot mode results in more work than manual or semi manual methods, because you would have to constantly scan and monitor the submitted data for spam and inappropriate photos. Hope that helps. :)
I hate code!
Posts: 95
Reg: Dec 19, 2011
location unknow...
12/31/14 03:09 AM (9 years ago)
Hello Angry Ninja, Just downloaded the plugin and I was wondering how to get the app in full pilot mode as you mentioned before. Thanx in advance! Gert-Jan

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