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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
07/08/11 10:45 AM (12 years ago)

Confusion With Child Items from Menu List Read From Data URL (v1.5)

Hi, So, I HAVE read the nice 58-page documentation on this subject, but am still a bit confused. I have a Menu List screen that I am populating the menu list from a data URL. The contents of that file are this : {childItems:[ {itemId:001, itemType:BT_menuItem, loadScreenWithItemId:itemId of screen to load, titleText:Restaurant #1}, {itemId:002, itemType:BT_menuItem, loadScreenWithItemId:itemId of screen to load, titleText:Restaurant #2} ]} This populates the Menu List exactly how I would like it to, so I am happy there. But here's where I get lost. When the person touches a menu item, I want it to load an itemType:BT_screen_webView. However, I don't understand how to make the association, via a data URL file, from the menu list to the webView screen. Where do I specify that when a user touches Restaurant #1, it loads a webView screen? Thanks! Mark
Lost but trying
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07/08/11 09:06 PM (12 years ago)
Hello Mark, I have something similar in my app. At this point, (I was wrong... Check David's response below..) there doesn't appear to be a way to use a dataurl to add screens dynamically to the app. You can add menu items dynamically through dataurl as you have outlined above. In my situation, I have a list of events dynamically created through a dataurl hosted on my server. I had to disconnect my app from the buzztouch backend and host the appdata text file on my server in order to dynamically generate the linked screens. For each child menu item, I had to manually create the corresponding screen code and paste that at the end of the appconfig text file. The loadScreenWithItemId value of your child item must be the exact same value for the itemId of your screen. Here is a link to a text file that outlines this a little better: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31201118/childscreens.txt You can see how the id's match on the child menu items to the linked screens. Hopefully this info will help out. Feel free to post back if you need more details. Best Regards, Brian
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
07/09/11 05:07 AM (12 years ago)
Hi Guys: Maybe this will help. There are three ways to connect a menu item to the 'next screen.' 1) By using the unique id of the screen you want to load. This is like @birwin is doing. 2) By using the unique nickname of the screen to load. This is like the unique id but the nickname instead. In both of these cases, the screen you want to load when the item is tapped MUST EXIST in the list of screens. In other words, you have a long list of screens in the config data and you are 'pointing' a menu item to one of them. 3) The dynamic way, like @GoNorthWest is trying to do. In this case, instead of using loadScreenWithItemId or loadScreenWithNickname use loadScreenObject instead. The loadScreenObject is a JSON structure. Have a look at this for some examples: http://www.buzztouch.com/docs/v1.5/rightSideButtons.php
Lost but trying
Posts: 93
Reg: Dec 29, 2010
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07/09/11 10:51 PM (12 years ago)
Hey David, Thanks for the details on loadScreenObject! I'm going to try that out. Hope you are having a good time on your time away from home! Drive safe out there! Best Regards, Brian-
Lost but trying
Posts: 93
Reg: Dec 29, 2010
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07/09/11 11:46 PM (12 years ago)
Hey David, loadScreenObject JSON solved all my sync problems! I am now able to dynamically load screens with my dynamic event data JSON dataurl. I can do this all in the same script that exports my online event calendar. The menu items and screen items all in one. No more having to separately add the event screens directly into appconfig.txt. It amazes me how flexible this software is! The documentation was easy to follow and implement. I highly recommend everyone to peruse the documentation, lots of time saving gems can be found in there! Thank you very much for the tip and link! Best Regards, Brian-
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
07/10/11 12:20 AM (12 years ago)
I just checked out that file...very exciting stuff! I can see tons of possibilities with it! Thanks for pointing it out! Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 7
Reg: May 03, 2013
05/10/13 12:48 PM (11 years ago)
I'm really struggling with this! I've managed to create a file that populates the first menu list with retail categories eg Clothing, Food & drink etc. Some of these have subcategories eg, Ladies, Men etc so for those I want to be able to click on the Clothing row and then have another list menu open up with the subcategories. When I click on Ladies I want the list of retail shops to be displayed with a description which will contain address and phone number (I've managed to work that out LOL). When a particular shop is selected then a screen with more info about it should open. I assume all this can be achieved with one or more text files rather than create a zillion screens but I've spent hours trying out various configurations and not got there yet. If anyone can point me in the right direction with how the subcategories should be connected and a sample snippet that would be very well received! Thanks in advance.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1527
Reg: Mar 04, 2011
05/10/13 01:40 PM (11 years ago)
Sounds similar to the output of my List Menu Tool. It has a "Phone Tree" option that creates a single text file for the dataURL with nested list menus. http://idevdepot.com/list-menu-tool/ or watch the videos here: http://idevdepot.com/category/buzztouch-tutorials/stobes-buzztouch-tools/list-menu-tool/ If that looks similar to what you're trying to do, I can try to find some sample output from it so you can piece yours together. -Chris
Lost but trying
Posts: 7
Reg: May 03, 2013
05/10/13 02:10 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks for the quick response Chris. I was on your site yesterday and it does look promising. If you could find a small snippet then that would be appreciated so I can test if it will work. Your tool looks like it would take the hard work out of the build. Thanks for the help.

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