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I hate code!
Posts: 89
Reg: Jan 04, 2012
02/17/12 02:05 PM (12 years ago)

warning: iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture (current IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 3.1, ARCHS = armv7).

Hmmmm,,,well now, what might this be...A THORN IN MY SIDE ! Though I am sure there are those out there who have had this same error, please grace me with your wisdom so that I Too can venture on this wonderful but challenging path that is,,,,,,,App creation.....
Code is Art
Posts: 2661
Reg: Feb 13, 2011
Palm Springs, C...
02/17/12 02:14 PM (12 years ago)
Maybe check if your Base SDK is set to latest IOS? Double click your project name then under build you should see Base SDK. :) Also, is this in Debug mode for simulator or Release mode for distribution?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/17/12 02:49 PM (12 years ago)
You just need to add the missing architecture to your project...no big deal! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4198676/warning-iphone-apps-should-include-an-armv6-architecture-even-with-build-config What up, @ianjames!?!? Good to see you! Mark
Ed Goodall
Fusion Technology
Posts: 422
Reg: Oct 01, 2011
Wiltshire, UK
05/18/12 11:00 AM (12 years ago)
I had this. Just change current architecture to armv6 by double-clicking the current one, and pressing the +. Then just type armv6 and select it. As simple as that. Please press the thumbs up if I helped you (and I know its a bit late, just putting it up for the other users that need this help.)

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