Chris from Stafford
Aspiring developer
Posts: 335
Reg: Oct 14, 2013
04/10/17 11:54 AM (7 years ago)


I've updated a html text screen on my app and it's not working. I've refreshed the app but it says data for this screen has not been downloaded etc I think there may be a bug as I've tried a new screen and it still won't work Anyone know what's happening? UPDATE Screen is working ok on Android just iOS where it's not working
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/11/17 11:04 AM (7 years ago)
I have seen something where the html/text screen displays old data and refuses to update in iOS. I work around it by creating a new screen with the same content and pointing to that. Might be worth a try?
Chris from Staffor...
Aspiring developer
Posts: 335
Reg: Oct 14, 2013
04/11/17 11:27 AM (7 years ago)
My app is BT hosted html/text has updated ok on android but not on iOS. If I make a new screen I get the same issue it just wont load on iOS.
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
04/18/17 06:03 PM (7 years ago)
@Chris from Stafford. Quick post to let you know I'm looking at the html / text iOS plugin to see if something funky is happening. Sounds like there is. Can you email me the name of the app in your control panel, along with the screen that won't load. That will help make sure I'm looking at the same thing you are :-) david at buzztouch dot com

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