Discussion Forums  >  App Store Rejections

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Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 24, 2013
White house
08/23/13 12:48 PM (11 years ago)

My First App, My First Rejection

Alas i am not a programer. I need help figuring out what these thing need me to change. My app is a simple one that uses a tabbed interface with two pages. Both pages run an RSS feed reader. One grabs the itunes rss feed for my church's podcast. The other pulls the feed from a webpage i made that will put our calendar into an rss feed. All of it is set up but i was rejected. - Did not integrate with iOS features. - Did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features other than just web views. Does anyone know of some easy ways i can get these things taken care of so my app will be approved? Again i am not very good at this but am willing to learn. On another note i would like to make some other page that lists some contact info and maybe a link to launch the mail program to send an email. Any tips or tutorials on the best way to do this.
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 24, 2013
White house
08/23/13 12:49 PM (11 years ago)
im sorry can someone delete this. i didnt mean to post it again
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
08/23/13 01:27 PM (11 years ago)
Hi Tim, Apple can be a pain in the rear sometimes! Basically what they're saying is that your app doesn't take advantage of any iOS features that separate it from being just a web page. Everything you described on your app can be done just as easily from a web page, and they don't like that approach (Google has no issues with it, though!). So, you need to add something like maps, quizzes, games, videos, etc. Basically, things that will draw somebody back into the app over and over again, and which make it more like an application, and less like a mobile web page. Often times just adding quizzes and maps is enough to get over the hump. Post back if you need more help, or clarification! Mark
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
08/23/13 01:57 PM (11 years ago)
Mark is pretty much always on point. And he's right; if it can be done in Safari, Apple isn't impressed. Adding additional 'iOS' content and sprucing up the appearance is always recommended. Put in a Map to the Church. A Quiz on almost any related topic. FB or TweetSheet sometimes can help as well, as it tends to 'socialize' your app. Good Luck, and let us know if we can help! Cheers! -- Smug
Android Fan
Posts: 63
Reg: Jul 31, 2013
Miri Sarawak
08/23/13 06:35 PM (11 years ago)
Hi Timrwest, My name is Tommy. First of all, I am just like you, I am not a programmer either. But I am determined to learn because of the support and encouragement the buzztouch community has provided me. I have attended an Apps Marketing Workshop just about 2 months ago. I have a very important piece of advice to share with you about Apple ios AppsStore. Here is the thing. Whenever Apple realizes that your app looks like a web base app, they will reject it. For example, your app has links to an external website with whatever syndication tools you use, it could be RSS Feed, Youtube Feed or website contents feed. The reason is very simple. Apple doesn't want their users to be redirected out of the app (for example, to another website contents feed) when users are browsing your app. Another thing is that Apple will associate an app to be a Non Quality App as long as the app has to many external links to websites or feeds. So, if you really want to get approved into Apple Appstore, then you have to create your app in a way that your church's podcast or your calendar to be embeded inside your app, which means your users should be able to browse the podcast or the calendar right inside your app rather then being redirected out of the app. But if you get rejected my Apple, I would like to encourage you NOT to give up. Just deploy an Android Version and then submit it to Google Play Store. I hope this helps. Thanks and Good Luck Tommy

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