Discussion Forums  >  App Store Approvals, Thank You's

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
02/20/24 06:14 AM (11 months ago)

App rejected

So after spending the last 6+ months putting my concept together I got a very quick 4 minute review from Apple to be told that my app is spam and breaks 4.3(a) - Design clause....... Currently going through the lovely messaging process with Apple and hoping to get it sorted ASAP Has anyone else tried submitting a new app recently and gone through this?
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
02/20/24 01:27 PM (11 months ago)
Hmm, was the rejection accompanied by a phone call or explanation text in the review comments? For example, they might mention something like: "We continued to find that your app primarily includes dating features that duplicate the content and functionality of similar apps in a saturated category." Typically they'll provide some detail as to why or possible improvements you can make to get accepted. 🤔 If not, I'd suggest appealing the rejection to get some clarification on what you can do to receive approval... I've even seen them reject an app for being too closely designed to another app I also published!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 109
Reg: Feb 25, 2013
Fleet, UK
02/20/24 01:32 PM (11 months ago)
Thanks Cakebit. I replied to the rejection first and was planning on appealing if nothing came of it. It was to do with my other app being closely designed, which apart from the back end is completely different. Anyway, they agreed with my “nicely worded” reply and it is now live in the App Store :)

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