Discussion Forums  >  iOS / Android Beta Testers

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 1
Reg: Jan 19, 2018
01/19/18 07:32 AM (6 years ago)

Looking for Beta testers for a new minimalist puzzle game, Levity

Hey Android users, We're looking for beta testers for our latest game, Levity It's a beautiful, minimalist game with mindfulness at its core. With simple gameplay, compelling visual puzzles and a relaxing ambient soundtrack, Levity is the perfect game to play to unwind and destress. **EDIT** Links have been removed by admin ** If it's good enough, we aim to release worldwide around March / April of this year. Thanks @davidneonplay
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
01/19/18 08:25 PM (6 years ago)
Hi There, I have removed your links. Request for testing of products on our forums are reserved for Buzztouch members who have made apps using Buzztouch. I am sure you understand. Kristen CEO Buzztouch

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