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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
11/11/13 03:58 PM (11 years ago)

Let the user choose the background?

Hi guys, Even people ranked No. 11 need some help sometimes... the only difference is that there is only the 10 above me who can help! Only joking. Everyone can help everyone else, no matter what level. So I would like my users to control the background color they wish to see. So I have this xib menu for my next app, that looks like this: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/Green.png But with a settings menu on the app, I want the users to choose what colours they want to see. The options list would look like this: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/Options.png And all the different results would look like this: White: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/White.png Yellow: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/Yellow.png Blue: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/Blue.png Purple: http://annandaleapps.com/App_Files/Edinburgh/Purple.png So the thinking is that the user will pick (from a settings menu) which colour they prefer, but this could change this any time they wanted. This would probably be because of personality, or season. In many ways, it also resembles the iPhone 5c colours, however, I didn't design it this way, weirdly. I think one way to do this would be to have different menus, one for each colour, and then redirect the user to this menu, from the user's saved memory. I cannot find a way, though! BTW... This is a rough draft and I know of some fundamental design tweaks already, such as a settings button, and maybe a thicker font. Also, a small little thing, but if it would be possible to allow scrolling on the iPhone (3.5 inch) to see all the 4 inch content on the xib menu plugin. I think that the bottom would be chopped off on the 3.5 inch screen, whereas it should fit perfectly on the 4 inch screen. Thanks all.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2251
Reg: Feb 22, 2012
11/11/13 04:15 PM (11 years ago)
I would not use a different png for colours, a waste of memory, I would change the colour of the background programmatically. I would make a action sheet with your 5 colours on. I would use nsuserdefaults to store the color chosen so it saves. Simples To make the xib view scrollable look for a uiscrollview tutorial and add the delegates
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
11/11/13 04:17 PM (11 years ago)
for XCode, you can use 'NSUserDefaults' to hold the desired value. Have them choose a color on one screen, which will save to user defaults. On the other screen, have it read the user defaults on load, to determine screen color. http://iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-tutorials/106311-tutorial-1-how-to-use-nsuserdefault.html For Android, 'Shared Preferences' is probably the way to go… http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#pref Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
11/13/13 03:07 PM (11 years ago)
To be honest, I was more thinking of making various different menus, with each of the colours, because I plan to have 'colour only' functionality. It would probably be easiest to have different menus for each of the colours. It won't be too hard to replicate, and the file sizes won't go up, because it is just a few more lines of JSON.

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