Discussion Forums  >  Capturing Images, Uploading Data

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Nick Langley
Apple Fan
Posts: 288
Reg: May 08, 2012
Birmingham, Uni...
05/09/12 03:25 AM (12 years ago)

This might just sound a little crazy...

Okay so I work for a company that wants to solve some efficiency issues, this firm has engineers on the road full time, they usually send they're reports (using carbon paper pads) back to head office, where the work is duplicated and the pads are turned into electronic reports... I'll cut to the chase and maybe someone can tell me where this is at all possible... there are no time constraints or cost constraints (within reason). Okay... here it goes. 1st. Engineers need to use the app to fill out a form using drop down boxes 2nd. On completion of the form the engineers need to take a photo 3rd. All of this information needs to be send to an email address (the form and the photo) Problems; I can see there being a problem with the linear nature, the step by step form filling and also a problem with the sending of the photo. Hope somebody can help me out, it will be greatly appreciated. Regards Nick
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 719
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Sydney, Austral...
05/09/12 03:27 AM (12 years ago)
Hi Nick, Doesn't sound crazy at all! Have you considered allowing the engineers to complete the form, then upload/email the photo separately? It might be easier than combining the two. Thanks, // J
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 719
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Sydney, Austral...
05/09/12 03:34 AM (12 years ago)
Here's what I'm thinking: Home page: 2 big buttons. One for the form, one for the image. Click on the form button. You get the form (pretty easy to setup), the engineer gives the document a code or some kind of 'nickname'. After submitting the form, they then go to the other button. Here, they can snap a picture and email it to your chosen email address. They can also enter a brief note in the email, plus the nickname. For example, once the engineer has taken the photo through the app, they could then customise the email and fill in the blanks, eg: JOB #: Additional Notes: I reckon it would work! Please get in touch if you'd like any more info
Nick Langley
Apple Fan
Posts: 288
Reg: May 08, 2012
Birmingham, Uni...
05/09/12 06:03 AM (12 years ago)
Again just to keep this topic rolling, what would be the best way to create and send completed forms and photos. Using plugins, html? I'm a new user to Buzztouch so I have no idea what plugins they had for the older versions... Thanks again. Nick.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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05/09/12 06:21 AM (12 years ago)
1st. Engineers need to use the app to fill out a form using drop down boxes 2nd. On completion of the form the engineers need to take a photo 3rd. All of this information needs to be send to an email address (the form and the photo) 1st use HTML form or native code to create form 2nd use camera 3rd use Dropbox allows one less complication Fred
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
05/09/12 08:07 AM (12 years ago)
do you have a backend CMS set-up like Joomla or Drupal? even WP? all of those have FORM modules. you could create the form/database right in one of those CMS and use it to really power your site. then you can use mobile optimized pages generated by your CMS and call them into your app via BT Custom URL screens. building a database into current BT code is possible, but it would be an extensive learning curve to get it running. you can have a Joomla CMS running by your next coffee break.
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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05/09/12 08:49 AM (12 years ago)
Custom HTML doc will allow offline use. Out in the field usually means sometimes you got a connection, sometimes you don't.
Nick Langley
Apple Fan
Posts: 288
Reg: May 08, 2012
Birmingham, Uni...
05/10/12 10:25 AM (12 years ago)
ATRAIN53, yeah thats worth a thought i've got WP, i'll give it a bash... thanks. So how to get the camera running? should there be a plugin on the way, I'm using v 2.0 (not got a lot of plugins to choose from.) Thx again for the help guys!
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
location unknow...
05/10/12 10:52 AM (12 years ago)
Use HTML to open the camera. Don't know how to save the. Picture in the app. Fred

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