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Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/10/18 03:41 AM (6 years ago)

cannot create a new application

My self-hosted version is apparently 3.0.0 and when I try to create a new application i get the error mentioned above: "An error ocurred in running the fnExecuteNonQuery() method in utilityFunctions.php (6)" Am assuming I need to upgrade to v4.0.3, but when I go into System Maintenance in my Admin Options and click on check for updates, I get the following message: "The most current version available at buzztouch.com is v3.0.0. You are running v3.0.0 (no updates are necessary)." This has me greatly confused. Am I up to date or not? And how do I get the create new application option to work? Can someone please help?
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/10/18 10:27 AM (6 years ago)
So I decided to just upload the 4.0.3 patches to my server, but am still getting the same error: "An error ocurred in running the fnExecuteNonQuery() method in utilityFunctions.php (6)" This is very frustrating. Can someone please help?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/11/18 11:10 PM (6 years ago)
The version it grabs is off of the config file, so it's not a true indicator of the version... and the 4.0.x patches were supposed to be all encompassing, so you probably didn't miss any updated code. I wonder if it could be the version of PHP you're using. I have mine at hostgator, and I think I set it at PHP v5.4 although the current version (of PHP) is much higher. Just a thought. Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
03/12/18 01:09 AM (6 years ago)
i had the same for ages, then david release this fix: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=F31A0609F1E02D71D04287F
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/12/18 02:27 AM (6 years ago)
I saw that fix Bonzo and installed the files. Didn't work. Still have the same problem. The PHP is v5.3.9. Is that too old Smug? I have no idea how to update it... Am currently just using the buzz touch site to build my app. That's okay right? When I first joined in 2012 I had to subscribe because I wanted to build too many screens and so had to self host. But I can just build it on the buzz touch site if I am a member yeah? P.S. Smug, I'm pretty sure you helped me last time I tried to build an app 6 years ago! It was a free biology app that had over 150,000 downloads before it got taken down from the iTunes Store. Am now trying to build a new version (and an Android version too this time!). Anyway, wanted to say thanks for your help back then. And thanks for the help now! The Buzztouch community rocks!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/12/18 03:22 AM (6 years ago)
5.3.9 should work ok... the problem actually emerges with newer versions of PHP rather than old ones... The folks doing PHP are moving more to objects, and the BT backend is primarily procedural. If you look in the utilityFunctions.php file for this method: function fnExecuteNonQuery($theSql, $host, $db, $user, $pass) I'm no expert, but as best I can tell, it first checks to see if it can make a connection. And I think you are, otherwise you'd get an error code of '5'. But then it moves on to execute the SQL and chokes (and gives an error code of '6'). If it's happening while you're creating a new application, try creating a new application with very generic names and attributes. It could be that the MySQL backend is balking at some special character or other unexpected input. I could be very wrong, lol! Just trying to see if anything shakes loose. Cheers! -- Smug

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