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Code is Art
Posts: 185
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Youngstown, OH
06/24/13 06:19 AM (10 years ago)

Background audio reset

I am developing elementary school math fact app that uses the quiz plugin, but the timer resets for each questions because students need to have each question answered in 3 seconds, but I also need to have a max time limit for each quiz that I have been able to accomplish by including background audio that is silent until the max time when @Ian James piano's quiz theme starts to play. However, I have noticed that if I retry the quiz the background audio does NOT reset to zero, but continues the time from the previous quiz attempt. The audio plays no problem and the audio quits upon exiting the screen. I am wondering if anyone has had to reset the background audio to zero when the user exits the screen?
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
06/24/13 11:51 PM (10 years ago)
In the Audio section there is this option: Audio Stops with "Back Button" Set it to: Yes, stop audio on screen exit. This should stop the audio when user leaves the screen or finishes the quiz.
Code is Art
Posts: 185
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Youngstown, OH
06/25/13 05:11 AM (10 years ago)
I did use the stop audio option and the audio does stop upon screen exit. The issue is that the loop does not reset to 0:00. For example, if the child finishes the quiz at 1:00 (in minutes) and takes the quiz again, then the audio loop starts at 1:01 for the second taking of the quiz. I do not think the youngsters will finish the quiz that quickly. My wife, who is a kindergarten teacher, thinks most students will take almost the full time to finish the quizzes - even after repeated attempts. So, the problem was I was trying to be too cute by half and making the song portion at the end of the loop too long. I shortened it to 5 seconds to alert them that the time is up, the loop finishes, and then resets to 0:00. Thanks for your help.

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