Discussion Forums  >  Status Bar, Navigation Bar

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Posts: 92
Reg: Aug 02, 2012
08/13/12 06:23 AM (11 years ago)

Tab bar navigation configuration..

Hi, I just searched the forums for an hour and was not able to find my answer. Apologies if this has previously been asked. My home screen (loading from splash) is a 'Menu button'. When I click one button it takes me from this home screen to Screen X. Upon this I click a new tab and it loads that page. Immediately when I select the home tab however it takes me to Screen X instead of home screen. Then I have to select the home tab again to return to the 'home screen'. This scenario occurs throughout the app just without different pages. Is there a way to fix the tab button to direct straight to the home screen or the desired screen? The screens I am having problems linking DIRECTLY back to are all 'Menu' Screens. P.s. I read of linking to a splash screen to the direct it back, but I wouldn't like to see the splash every time the user hits home and I don't want to set timer to 0 as I want the splash to appear on app start up. Thanks! Ben.

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