Fred@mySkylla com
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Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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06/14/12 02:34 PM (11 years ago)

Path to SD card Android

I'm trying to play a video stored on the SD card. It plays without a problem. Launching it from the Buzztouch 2.0 app hasn't been successful. When I click on the video file it requested which app I wish to use, I select and it plays. I suppose if I clicked always use, it wouldn't even ask. From the app it says no application can perform this action. Using Launch Native App (browser). The problem could be either: A. Not using correct URL, B. Not using correct screen C. No Buzztouch screen supports the action. So, does anyone have an insight into the problem & solution. Once we resolve this, embedding the video into the app should be doable. I've tried: file:// file:/// /sdcard All seem to work, but the video doesn't play. Fred Finding the exact path to your SD card can be done with a file manager, and can differ between phones. On the Samsung Galaxy S, for example, you should use: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd Spotify will then store tracks in this folder: /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/Android/Data/ Additional info: Perhaps: The correct url is: file:///android_asset/RELATIVEPATH
Android Fan
Posts: 359
Reg: Jun 10, 2012
Gold Coast, Que...
06/14/12 11:23 PM (11 years ago)
If YOU can't figure it out, then i don't think anyones going to have any luck! LOL

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