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Veteran developer
Posts: 1
Reg: Dec 02, 2014
Jackson Heights
12/02/14 08:28 AM (9 years ago)

Passing data from native code to buzztouch

Hi, I'm developer working on app that recieve notifications from GCM in Android (and APNS in iOS). My main goal is ability to have deep linking when opening a notification, so when the user open the application I need to take them to specfic page specfied in the push payload. Is there away that I could send this data to my buzztouch app to handle screen transition?, if I want to break this question: 1. Can I save data to "BT_database" that I could retrieve locally when the screen starts. 2. Using this data can I move the app from screen to screen dynamiclly. Thanks
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
12/03/14 09:49 PM (9 years ago)
It would require a bit more of coding. We know it's possible! The Push Notification would send a unique identifier, such as a ScreenID. then the custom code would display that particular Buzztouch screen. Or perhaps it sends a Lookup ID, which then launches the CustomURL plugin and uses that Lookup ID as part of the URL to display unique content from your Server. Lots of possibilities ... -- Niraj

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