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Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/14/14 11:18 AM (10 years ago)

NEW PLUGIN: Coin Flip XIB Viewer

Just released my newest plugin. Thought it might be useful for a few people. Details and screenshots can be found here: https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/plugin.php?pid=16E9C37EBC433EF174DE38B Coin Flip XIB Viewer allows you to use one screen to allow the user to flip a coin to view content of three different XIB files. One xib for the frame area, one for the front of the “coin window” and one for the back side of the “coin window”. XIB files allows you to visually add, move and edit elements to your project in a drag and drop environment using Xcode’s built in Interface Builder, making it ideal for Xcode beginners to graphically edit their projects. This plugin uses 3 different XIB files all displayed in one screen of your app, so you can display different things without the users navigating through several app screens. The first XIB file allows you to edit the look and feel of the frame around the “coin window” cutout (the circle, in the screenshots). The second XIB is the design of the front of the coin window, and the third XIB is the design of the back of the coin window and shows what is displayed when the coin is flipped. To understand it’s use, let’s imagine we simply want to make a screen that flips a coin. We would edit the 1st XIB to design how our framed area looks, using background images, colors, text, or whatever else we want, by simply dragging and dropping them onto the XIB file, or editing the existing items already on there. Then we would edit the second XIB file for the front of the coin, and put a picture of the front of a coin on that XIB. Then, we would edit the third XIB file and add a picture of the back of a coin. When we run the app and go into this screen, we now see whatever we added to the first XIB on the frame (which stays there the whole time), and the front of our coin. When the user taps the coin, the coin animates and flips over, revealing the back side of the coin! This could be used to display a business card, with your photo on the reverse side, making a coin flipper, making a “did you know?” type of app where the question is shown on the front side and the answer is on the back, or anything that you could imagine. Your imagination is the only limitation. The coin window is also movable and sizable on the XIB file, so you can make the masked area bigger, smaller, landscape, portrait, or whatever else you want to do with it. Everything is simply drag and drop on the XIB files, so no coding is needed to adjust it to your project. The coin flip animation speed is also changeable if you want it to flip around faster or slower. By default, the background of the XIB is clear, so it will match your apps background, but if you want a special background, like the red one show in the screenshots, simply drag a picture onto the XIB file. You can also edit, add, change color or remove the text on the XIB files with just a few clicks as well.
Korkut Ata
Aspiring developer
Posts: 108
Reg: Aug 09, 2011
04/14/14 01:18 PM (10 years ago)
Congrats about the plugin. I am sure it is one of the most welcome plugins. Before buying, I have some questions: - Is it possible to use several coin-sets (three xib) one after each other? - Is there a CP for the plugin to configure main setups? Thanks, Bayram
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/14/14 01:47 PM (10 years ago)
Hey Bayram, As it comes, it only does one coin set per screen, since everything is based around viewing xib files, which are physical files contained in your xcode project, and not affected by control panel changes. As far as control panel setting, all of the usual suspects are there... Background color, nav bar text, etc... But for the reason above, no cp settings to specify sets of xib files, as it has to use the xib's that are included with the plugin and then bundled with your code. Depending on your modification experience level, it would be possible to rename and copy the plugin inside your xcode project, and have multiple sets that way. It would be a similar process as what's described in the xib menu plugin for doing the same thing, although I've never personally done it, so couldn't help much with that aspect of it. Hope that helps! Dave
Apple Fan
Posts: 188
Reg: Dec 13, 2012
Knoxville, TN
04/14/14 09:56 PM (10 years ago)
Congrats Dave. This is a good idea. Hey listen. I have some great plugin ideas, which for me it's very easy for me to just open up xCode and build them, but getting them to work as a plugin, and uploading to the plugin store, I'm a little bit lost. Looks like you have mastered this? Maybe I could pick your brain sometime? Allan
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
04/14/14 10:31 PM (10 years ago)
Hi Allan, I'm actually in the same boat for the most part. This is my 3rd plugin... The first two I had someone else button up the xcode project into plugin form (MrDavid, and his better half Feather). This is actually the first one that I was able to turn into a plugin on my own. Still learning the process, as there's no exact formula, because each project is different. Happy to look stuff over for you and let you know though. Email me at [email protected] Also, uploading to the market is a piece of cake. Happy to walk you through it on team viewer or whatever if you like, once we get something to put out there. -Dave

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