Discussion Forums  >  Status Bar, Navigation Bar

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
moving within e...
09/06/12 09:30 AM (11 years ago)

Bottom tabs disappearing weirdly on Android

Hey everyone, I have a problem with bt v.2 on android with my bottom toolbar. Here is my overall design: 1st screen:button menu : each button leads to a list menu On this screen, the bottom tabs show up 2nd screen: any of the lists menu On this screen: the bottom tabs strangely disappear :( I have tried to tweak the parameters "no, do not hide the toolbar" from the console for each screen, but with no success. Also, it seems this bug has no relationship with the screens itself, rather about the sequence of screens displayed. For example, if I remove my first button menu screen and change it by any menu list screen, which then becomes the root of my app, then it will display properly the bottom tabs. Anyone had the same problem or know why these bottom tabs strangely disappear? Thanks a lot!
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
09/07/12 12:03 AM (11 years ago)
Hi @Don: This isn't a bug. It's the way it works. We realize it may not be desirable, but it's not something you can "adjust" away using the control panel. The "hide bottom tab bar" should read "iOS Only" Details: In Android, when you load a new Activity, the tabs will always disappear. Each new screen is an Android Activity. This means that in almost all cases, app owners that create apps with Tabs set a menu as each tabs homescreen. When the app launches, each tab is displayed on the bottom, tapping a tab displays a menu. You don't have to do it this way, it's just how it's evolved and most people do. In newer version of the Android OS, (like 4.0 > ), the tab bar widget works completely different. We are still recommending app owners compile for and target older Android OS's so they can reach the largest number of users. Because of this, your project uses the older tabbing logic introduced on Android "in the early days." In the future (not sure when) we will begin recommending app owners compile / target 4.0 > devices. When this happens, you can expect better control over the tabbed layout. Hope this helps...
Aspiring developer
Posts: 40
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
moving within e...
09/07/12 04:21 AM (11 years ago)
Thanks David, it always help to get a better understanding of what's going on. This is really annoying as a BT user, so I can imagine it's even more annoying for you when you update the BT code! I will probably try to redesign the hierarchy of my app with the following: - each time i would need to display the bottom tabs for navigation, i would use instead the top bar to go back - i will have no screen deeper than 2 touches That will require 1 extra touch for the user to go back find the general navigation menu, but that's the best i can think of. Thanks again and if anybody has a better design idea to keep the navigation as user friendly as possible, don't hesitate to add a post :)

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