I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 20, 2013
08/21/13 12:43 PM (10 years ago)

Simple Order Entry

Hey All, I'm a rookie, looking to create a simple order entry application. I work for a Marketing Servive Provider, we mostly print and mail. I would like to develop an app that our Sales and Customer Service departments can use to gather information from the customer. Then use that information to create Job Quotes and Job Orders. Flow charty kinda stuff I guess, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
location unknow...
08/21/13 05:01 PM (10 years ago)
You can do it with a plugin called webform from chris1.... I know there is a charge and as simple as it sound it can be a little complex. OR you can do it by up loading a pdf with print function on nav bar. But still a bit more complex with that but surely it can be done! Sheri
I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 20, 2013
08/22/13 07:02 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks Sheri, I'll give the webform a try.
I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 20, 2013
08/22/13 07:08 AM (10 years ago)
Um, where can I find that plugin? haha, sorry
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
08/22/13 07:20 AM (10 years ago)
If you have a simple situation where the User would fill-out a Form and then submit that Form, then don't use BuzzTouch. Instead, use Adobe Acrobat to create the Form. It will generate a PDF with form fields in it. Place that PDF Form on a web site for download or mail it to the User. On the mobile (iOS and Android), download the Adobe Reader app. On the mobile, transfer or import the PDF Form into the Adobe Reader app. Have the User make a duplicate of the Form because the first copy is the master. The User can fill-put the second copy of the Form. After it is filled-out, the Form can be emailed or transferred onto a Server for processing. Back on the Desktop, the Adobe Acrobat software can extract the data from the filled-out Form in Excel or other preferred formats. Again, the above procedure assumes all you want is to have Forms available for easy data input on a mobile device. BuzzTouch can be used to generate an app for all the non-Form situations. Adobe Reader is only to hold documents and for Forms. It is a two-barrel solution. -- Niraj
I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 20, 2013
08/22/13 07:24 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks Niraj, at first thought I wanted a plugin for order entry based on an existing form. I wanted to see if I could create a plugin for order entry. I will have to figure out which one will work better and be more useful. I may just try a few different options and test before I decide. Thanks for the input.
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
location unknow...
08/22/13 08:40 PM (10 years ago)
Sorry for the delay on responding. Have a similar project and working on solutions bought Wish I could tell you I have put all together but still working on it. You can get a hold of him if you like. My project the crew is out in the field and need to fill out the form and email it to the main office. Main office then will download in pdf file and give to client....seems like a similar situation am I right? If the client is not actually using the mobile device then Niraj is right on with his solution... If I end up with the solution I will make sure I let you know via this thread...if you wouldn't mind responding here too passing these nuggets along to fellow buzztouch gang -Sheri
I hate code!
Posts: 5
Reg: Aug 20, 2013
08/23/13 07:27 AM (10 years ago)
Yes, basically the same situation. THEN, I set up a few meetings to discuss the entire project and found out a program had been written years ago, but everyone forgot about it. So I am now "The Can Opener", specializing in worms. haha I appreciate all feedback and help, I wish I could use this info, I've been re-directed to another project.

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