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Nicks App
Code is Art
Posts: 426
Reg: May 21, 2014
Las Vegas
04/01/22 05:31 AM (2 years ago)

Location Map

In 2012, I found Buzztouch and created a useful app based on "Location Map". On Android. (I'm not paying the 99/yr for iOS, although I did for a year or 2 before a new vers of iOS came out and broke it!). I have my Location Map running on a Galaxy Tab A 2016 that I bought mid 2018. Software update is current as of a week ago. I have a Galaxy Tab from 2020 and Phone from 2021 that it will not run on. A store looked at all 3 and told me it might have something to do with the hardware architecture of the newer devices, not Android itself. I am curious if other members have had any similar problems. I enjoy my Location Map. It is far more accurate than Google or Apple or web browser Maps for finding stores and walking or taking public transit to them.
Veteran developer
Posts: 11
Reg: Jul 24, 2018
03/03/24 07:22 PM (7 months ago)
Everything is fine with my Android App. I also had the App on Google Play, but Google upped Privacy this and that, so I let it sit. Does anyone have a quick cheat sheet on how to make Location Map comply with Google's Privacy stuff? If I can get the Android App back on Play, I might tackle iOS. I have a new reason to.
Nicks App
Code is Art
Posts: 426
Reg: May 21, 2014
Las Vegas
03/15/24 06:47 PM (6 months ago)
Such a shame no one is here. I learned a lot, and did a lot in 2012-2013.

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