I hate code!
Posts: 44
Reg: Sep 17, 2012
11/05/16 05:25 AM (7 years ago)

On my app I receive a new iPhone Error: App May Slow Down Your iPhone

My users are now receiving this error - "MyAppName" May Slow Down Your iPhone The developer of this app needs to update this app to improve its compatibility. Does anyone know what I need to do to fix this? I searched the forums but didn't see anything. A google search turned up something about 32bit app on a newer phone but I am not sure how to fix this. Thanks
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
11/05/16 03:38 PM (7 years ago)
I think this is curious. The reason I think this is curious is I didn't know you could still compile 32 bit 'only' apps. Regardless, it seems what they're implying is that your apps are only 32 bit. You may need to also compile them for 64 bit. There is a bit of information on it here: but the first quick fix I would try is adding 'arm64' in addition to 'armv7' and 'armv7s' to your Valid architectures, found under the 'Build Settings' tab of your xcode project. Cheers! -- Smug

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