buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 168
Reg: May 12, 2014
Bilston - Engla...
10/14/14 05:17 AM (9 years ago)

Twitter Integration - login failed?

Hi all, I have Scringo fully integrated and working on Android - Radar, Push and Facebook integration all good and no issues. The "easy" bit however of enabling Twitter login just doesn't work! Functionally its there in the app, but every time you try and login to Twitter it says "Login failed, please try later" and thats that! I noticed a few comments in threads that some people had had the same issue but there was no resolve that I could see. twitter4j-core-4.0.1.jar is what I have (latest Scrongo SDK). Account and App created on Twitter, keys inserted into relevant place within the properties file. Any help on this / ideas appreciated :)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 168
Reg: May 12, 2014
Bilston - Engla...
10/14/14 05:42 AM (9 years ago)
Ah - always after you post eh! Simple as having to specify a "callback url" on the twitter dev settings page for the App, even though it states you don't need to! Logcat showed that one up :) Sorted so hope that maybe helps others :)

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