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Aspiring developer
Posts: 3
Reg: Sep 29, 2012
09/30/12 05:59 AM (11 years ago)

Back button repeats

On my home screen I have an add button "+". This button will be used as apart of the process to add more items to the list on the home screen. When I test this in xcode and run the app and tap/click on the add button "+" in the iOS simulator it goes into the Add Item screen which is currently a HTML/Text screen that i'm using to create a form that will have a text field (currently no native form screen options for buzztouch). This is what occurs in the Add Item screen: 1) when I tap/click the "back" button it goes back to the home screen (works correctly). 2) when I tap/click the "Save" button it goes back to the home screen (but the back button is still there). If I repeat number 2 a number of times then eventually the refresh button is lost, unless I keep clicking back as many times as I clicked the Save button. What is that?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
09/30/12 07:17 AM (11 years ago)
It looks like each time you click save you enter a new screen, so when you click back it goes back to the screen before you press save. Seems like that is how it should work. But in your case it doesn't make sense. The back button is supposed to bring you back to the previous screen, and not the main menu or anything. Im not a programer buut I'm sure in Xcode you can make it work differently. Cheers. Miguel
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3
Reg: Sep 29, 2012
09/30/12 08:11 PM (11 years ago)
Thanks Miguel, spot on mate! I like the platform for pre development. It's awesome. I'd just like to see more plugins, especially a native form plugin that allows text to be inserted (not HTML/Text).
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
10/01/12 01:49 AM (11 years ago)
Plugings are dropping like flys so just hold on, a plugin you want will show up. Some user opena a thread reuqesting a plugin, so try that. Cheers. Miguel

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