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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/08/15 07:19 AM (9 years ago)

Old bugs

The login plugin has an old, old fault in it. The fix for this was reported by Niraj about 15 months ago, but somehow this fault is still in the plugin that I downloaded today. https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=4233C022EA3C2D665DEB9BF&command=isSearching&currentPage=2&topicTitle=login&createdBy=&repliedBy=&minViews=-1&maxViews=-1&minReplies=-1&maxReplies=-1&forumCategory= Now, you might say, well I know about it, I know how to fix it, what is the big deal? Well, firstly, there is the repeat nuisance value. This plugin is not unique in having an issue, there are other little features in various plugins (and the core) that have to be patched for every new download. There is a bigger concern. I might know about some of these, but I have this nagging feeling that new buzztouch users do not. I fear people new to buzztouch will try things out, find they don't work, give up and then they are lost to the community. And that isn't good for anyone. I would love it if these could be sorted out once centrally and pushed out for everyones benefit PLEASE. So, maybe we should start something to flag these, find a way to get these things sorted and make the core just that little bit better. Not sure who on the core team would take this on, but does anyone agree or am I just being grumpy today? Alan
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
04/08/15 10:35 AM (9 years ago)
Hey Alan, Not grumpy at all. There are some REALLY blatant and over-reported bugs that just don't get fixed. I know installing a new self hosted package still reports 2.1.9 (or whatever) instead of 3.0.0, this is a 2 second fix, but it's been there since the release of 3.0.0. We still have to deal with that and help users through that. There totally should be a "database" of issues and bugs that need to be looked at and fixed, but it won't do any good in the end, to be honest. I just assume that David has something on his desktop, and we're lucky if we can get our miniscule issues on there, heh. In either case, small bugs that annoy us (like yours or mine) probably won't ever get fixed, or take months/years to get fixed. Buzztouch (which is just David now, with a few helpers) is always working on the next big thing, and rarely have time to go back to support the last big thing they made. It's frustrating, but remember, a great product with a few small flaws is better than no product at all. I'm hoping eventually David will be able to hire a team or gather volunteers again to support his core folks more (you and me, and the Top 25) than the regular buzzers that come here and make up the bulk of buzztouch (the people we don't see on the forums). Edit: re-reading this post, I'm making it sound like David's throwing us to the curb, far from it, he's gotta make a living with BT, and by spending his time fixing all the little things that bother *us*, the people that don't make him much (if any) money at all, is just not realistic - he's focusing on the regular buzzers first, and then hopefully, he'll throw a bone or two at us, like he did with the screens.php fix. Cheers, David.
Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
04/08/15 01:03 PM (9 years ago)
I listened to the latest podcast last night while in bed and I gotta say, the future of BT looks bright. I'm very happy to see BT move towards a revenue model that *hopefully* allows David to sustain BT as his full time gig. I have always been happy to say that I have "BT in my back pocket" when it comes offering mobile app development, and I'm sure as hell happy to pay a premium for this service. With that said, we all have to remember that even now with just himself and a very small few of helpful hands, they have to stay busy focusing on *the future* and constantly attempt to innovate. The current revenue model, as David mentions in the podcast, really only allows for the bills to be covered and can't really act as a support model to focus on BT full time (fixing the minor details and continually innovate/keep up with the market). While I do agree that NEW users who come to the site and experience these hardships, more than likely will quiver up and leave, which do not help with retention rates. Like @macapple always says, which I thoroughly agree, BT isn't for everyone and those who do not persevere through the tough times, aren't really cut out for the developer role. I strongly think that those who want Buzztouch to succeed and are willing and able should step up and offer un-solicited help. I don't know if this is allowed or not but a lot of BT, if not most, is community driven. David does the work of a million men and by god if I don't say so myself considering I work in software development, he out performs a lot of teams.
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
04/08/15 01:11 PM (9 years ago)
Well said.
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
04/09/15 03:53 AM (9 years ago)
"There are some REALLY blatant and over-reported bugs that just don't get fixed." thus "I fear people new to buzztouch will try things out, find they don't work, give up and then they are lost to the community." but "I'm very happy to see BT move towards a revenue model that *hopefully* allows David to sustain BT as his full time gig." ---> I definitely totally agree. Half (or maybe even 2/3) of the plugins I'd like to use are buggy. Some need tweaks new users can't easily implement, some have major weaknesses that make them unusable. There's some danger in the Buzztouch Mansion... OK, old "relatively advanced" users like me can implement workarounds (even if there are some plugins I just can't use), but what about new users? Thanks to AlanMac for starting this thread and pointing out these issues! And thanks to David and everybody in the BT "hardcore" for their work and their endless help! Things can only get better :-) Cheers Jack
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/09/15 12:50 PM (9 years ago)
So it seems as if I missed something about the organisation - is there no longer a core team and David Book is doing it *all* himself?

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