Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
04/01/18 12:47 AM (6 years ago)

Bundle Identifier Question

Hi. So I have finished building my iOS app, have successfully beta-tested it on a number of devices, and am now ready to load to the App Store for approval (hopefully!). I have run into an issue though. I have built a new version of an old app and am trying to load it as an update (because I want to keep my past reviews/ratings). However, the new app I have built has a different bundle identifier to the old one and so the App Store is not recognising it. Can someone please talk me through how to change the bundle identifier in either my app or my iTunes Connect account so that the app will upload? I'm not a coder and don't really want to mess around with things I don't understand when I am so close to being done! Anyone who can help will receive my eternal gratitude and hopefully some positive karma from the universe.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 841
Reg: Nov 03, 2010
Medford, MA
04/01/18 01:24 PM (6 years ago)
We used to change it in the plist file, now it seems to be through Xcode directly. Look at the attached screenshot, just change the bundle identifier there and you should be all set (I think)...
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
04/01/18 01:35 PM (6 years ago)
Thanks Mutzy, I think the issue I was having was that I hadn't changed the bundle identifier in my provisioning profile, so the app and my permissions weren't matching (if that makes sense?). All fixed now and app is submitted. Here is hoping it gets approved!

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