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Replies: 4    Views: 50
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
09/18/12 05:50 AM (11 years ago)

Line Breaks?

Hi Team (Danny at least),
Really enjoying tweaking the plugin and finding out what it can and can't do.

Is there a way to preserve line breaks in the text? If I cut and paste paragraphs the json breaks the app. I tried adding an 'old school break' <br> thus avoiding a slash but it looks like html tags are cleaned out. Any ideas on how this might be done?

Kind Regards
Apple Fan
Posts: 1166
Reg: Dec 09, 2011
09/18/12 06:13 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Darrel,

You can only use line Breaks in the detailed describtion. Just enter your text en hit enter. That should work.

Let me know!!

Best Regards,
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
09/18/12 07:02 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Danny,
That's weird because I tried that but when I did an "app refresh" I get the error that "There was a problem parsing some of the configuration data. Please make sure that it is well formed"

I grabbed the outputted json from the control panel and it does validate at but throws an error on the app.

I take out the paragraphs and breaks and everything starts working again. Perhaps something to do with my hosting, or confined to "self-hosted"? I can post the json if that helps ...

Kind Regards
Apple Fan
Posts: 1166
Reg: Dec 09, 2011
09/18/12 08:31 AM (11 years ago)
Hi Darrel,

You're absolutely right about it. The first design (code) of the plugin had this functionality but when we had to prepare it for the market a lot of code has changed. Don't know if it is possible to get this back (because previous code depended on other files of the bt server software).

I'm gonna check this out and let you know when and if I can come up with a solution.

Thanks for posting your test results.

Best Regards,
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
03/08/13 01:02 AM (11 years ago)
Hi there!

I'm currently testing the latest version of the plugin. Hitting 'enter' still breaks everything but typing <p> is ok to get a blank line and a new paragraph.


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