Blog Pro

buzztouch plugin: Blog Pro
Version: v1.4
With this plugin you can create a blog directly from your control panel. Just write a title, introtext, full text and more. Have a look for nice new templates for this plugin at
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerrburns50 | 03/12/15 (v1.4)
Absolutely outstanding plugin - follow the instructions carefully and you have an amazing, professional looking blog screen. So so good, flexible and agile - an absolute must! A hidden gem that I thought Id spend an hour with - well worth it, highl...
More Information
With this plugin you can create a blog (or use it for something else) directly from your
control panel from BT. Just write a title, introtext, full text and more. The articles are
presented as a list with title and introtext. When the user clicks on a row the full
description will be presented in a nice webview. This webview will use templates
(which you can select in your CPanel). In the future you can have a look for nice
and new templates for this plugin at

You could also use a remote file to load all your blog items. Many parameters are
editable in the advanced properties

iOS Project
1 Objective-C class (a total of 2 files) are needed.
BTA_screen_blogPro.m and .h

BTA_screen_blogPro.m is the main UIViewController that shows the list.

Android Project
------------------------ is not done (yet).


If you manually enter the menu item data, the JSON data for this item in the BT_config.txt
includes a child items array holding individual BT_menuItem items. Each item produces a row.

     {"itemId":"99999", "itemType":"BT_screen_blog", "itemNickname":"My Blog",
     "navBarTitleText":"My Blog", "listRowHeightSmallDevice":"150",
     "listRowHeightLargeDevice":"150", "listTitleHeightSmallDevice":"20",
     "listTitleHeightLargeDevice":"20", "introtext":"this is the introtext from my first blog",
     "fulltext":"Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de
     standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende
     drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus
     te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd,
     overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden
     met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk
     door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum