Plugin Discussion

Discussions are between the Plugin Developer and app owners. Only app owners that have installed the plugin can participate in this discussion. We enforce this to help Plugin Developers focus their time on helping app owners that support their development efforts.

Discussions for "Login Screen"

You cannot create new discussion topics for this plugin until...
  1. You logged into account
  2. You have a screen name setup in your profile
  3. You have installed this plugin in your control panel.
One login without email address
by wedin 10 years ago
views: 41 replies: 0
Number of users
by Nelson 11 years ago
views: 61 replies: 0
100% consistant force close on multiple devices
by Paul Rogers 11 years ago
views: 79 replies: 1
last Auggnet 11 years ago
1 - 3 of 3