Thumb Viewer

buzztouch plugin: Thumb Viewer
Version: v1.4
The Thumb Viewer Plugin is an image gallery plugin. It shows all the images in small tiles (thumbviews) and clicking on one of the tiles, it will show you the enlarged version of the image. Lots of options…
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerfarcat | 05/03/14 (v1.4)
Fantastic plugin. Thanks for making it free for members!! As always, would love to get my hands on an Android version... (wink, wink)
More Information
The Thumb Viewer Plugin is an image gallery plugin. It shows all the images in small
tiles (thumbviews) and clicking on one of the tiles, it will show you the
enlarged version of the image. The enlarged image will give you some options:

- mail the image
- save the image on your device
- show extra info about the image

Before you create an image album you have to:
- Decide whether you are going to use local or network images.
- Give the album a nice title
- Write some additional information about this album to clarify what the images are about.

Each image has:
- a url (local or external)
- title
- description

Get the Manual (and be sure to read it!) here:

iOS Project

Android Project
No Android at this time

05-01-2013 (v1.2)
- Thumbviewer should be now compatible with Flickr Json
- Saving an image to the Device now first asks for permission.
- New option in controlpanel to make a choice wether to start in thumbnail-mode or in full-screen-mode

05-01-2013 (v1.3)
- added better memory management (still not perfect when using too many images but better then before)

Show an example of how the JSON data should be configured when using this plugin.

"itemId": "0F9FDCE4D82245BF1154309",
"itemType": "BTA_thumbViewer",
"itemNickname": "External Images",
"thumbAlbumType": "thumbExternal",
"albumTitle": "My first external thumb Album",
"albumDescription": "This is the first album description of the External images album.",
"navBarTitleText": "External Images",
"backgroundColor": "#9da0a7",
"backgroundImageURLSmallDevice": "",
"childItems": [
"itemId": "10F570E9747C70124601FAB",
"itemType": "BT_thumbViewerItem",
"loadScreenWithItemId": "na",
"thumbURL": "",
"imageTitle": "Girl with a lot of text to see how it fits in the bar",
"tvDescription": "Some dummy text goes here. <br /><br />You can use line breaks by adding a br-tag or just hit the return/enter key while you are typing."
"itemId": "69B3BC2F7AB4C0E69A66922",
"itemType": "BT_thumbViewerItem",
"loadScreenWithItemId": "na",
"thumbURL": "",
"imageTitle": "Spiderman",
"tvDescription": "Some dummy text goes here. <br /><br />You can use line breaks by adding a br-tag or just hit the return/enter key while you are typing."