Art Droid

buzztouch plugin: Art Droid
Version: v3.3
Android paint screen with the ability to change color of the brush and thickness of the brush (line width) inside the app. By pressing the menu button, you can save the picture, choose a eraser, or erase the whole image.
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerKennedyE | 04/23/14 (v1.0)
Clean and Excellent Plugin, really glad to have it.
More Information
Android paint screen with the ability to change color of the brush and thickness of the brush (line width) inside the app. You can also pick a background image to draw on.
Just enter it into the control panel. Enter “blank” without the quotes for a blank image.
By pressing the menu button, you can save the picture, choose a eraser, or erase the whole image. *No steps required to make this work*

Version History
1.0 - initial release
2.0 - Implemented menu items in code (which fixed crashing of tapped menu items) and added string values in the code.
3.0 - added ability to draw on images
3.1 - fixed menu options bug
3.2 - doodle_fragment xml added programmatically (dynamically)
3.3 - added new screenshot folder

iOS Project
No iOS version.

Android Project

"itemId": "65B68E658B2530BF172BFAE",
"itemType": "CM_artDroid",
"itemNickname": "artdroid",
"navBarTitleText": "artdroid"