Aviary Photo Editor

buzztouch plugin: Aviary Photo Editor
Version: v1.1
Add the AVIARY SDK to your app and allow users to take photos, edit and share all from a single screen. This plugin requires you to add the Aviary SDK (4.0.1) into your project.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
Latest Review
More Information
Add the AVIARY SDK to your app and allow users to take photos, edit them and share all from a single screen. This plugin requires you to add the Aviary SDK (4.0.1) into your project.

Download from Aviary or from this link:

4.0.1 SDK Integration Instructions:

iOS Compatibiliy
Compatible with iOS 6 and 7 and BT Core 3.0
Built and tested with the Aviary 4.0.1 SDK does not support 2.x or 3.x versions of the Aviary SDK.
This plugin utilizes the Basic Aviary SDK package and does not support Aviary Premium Upgrades or White Labeling.

The camera/take photo function is compatible with iPhone only, the iPad camera is not supported.

Only PORTARIT Orientation is suppported.

issues or questions? [email protected]

Release History
1.0 Initial Build for 2.0
1.1 Updated for ARC and BT 3.0 Core / Release to BT market 5/15/14

iOS Project
includes graphics for iphone and ipad size function buttons

Android Project
Not compatible with Android at this time.


"itemId": "666666666666666",
"itemType": "AT_Aviary",
"itemNickname": "Aviary",
"navBarTitleText": "Aviary SDK Demo",
"AVAIRYAPIKEY": "abcdefg123456",
"AVAIRYSECRET": "abcdefg123456",