AT53 Video Player

buzztouch plugin: AT53 Video Player
Version: v1.62
Play videos natively in iOS or Android with the AT53 Video Player. Videos can be stored locally in the app or downlaoded from a URL. Add description text and a video thumbnail for professional results.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerThomasSechak | 09/22/14 (v1.61)
This Plugin is excellent. It works well; and there are really no issues to speak of. The latest update allowing images to be used in the player if you are using audio mp3 files instead of video has made the plugin even better. Thanks ATRAIN53 for...
More Information
AT53 Video Player Plugin

Native Video Playback: This plug-in plays videos using the native media player in iOS and Android.
The purpose of this plugin is to allow you to play videos you package with your app or
videos that you save on a remote web host.

Android Video Scaling: Some Android devices will scale the video in Portrait mode.
All Android devices will show the video full screen in Landscape mode.

Customizable Description and Image: You can customize the video description and the video thumbnail image. For best results, balance the design of the screens background image with the videos image.

Customizable Video Ended Screen: You can configure a screen to load when the video is done playing. This is useful in cases where you need to display another screen as soon as the video ends without requiring
any action on the users part.

Video File Format: For best results, use .mp4 videos. iOS and Android support different video formats and
the native players will play any format they support. Refer to the iOS or Android documentation to get an exhaustive list of supported formats.


Test Video for URL:

New iOS ONLY Image Overlay added 9/2/14. This will allow you to 'conceal' the Quicktime controls when using this plugin for audio (.mp3) files. This is not supported in Android.

iOS Compatibility
Plugin has been tested in iOS 5, 6 and 7 ONLY, has not tested or deemed to be completely compatible with iOS8.
XIB files use AUTO Layout and code must be compiled with a minimum target of iOS6.

Android Compatibility
Plugin has been tested in in Androind 2.x and 3.x only.
Has not been tested on 4.x devices and may not be completely compatible.

Buzztouch Compatibility

Tested and working in BT 3.0. Updated code is not compatible with BT 2.0 projects.

Update History:
v 1.61 Moved Audio File Overlay setting to Overlay Image section in BT Control panel. No chnages to code. (9/12/14)

v 1.6 Modded to add new rotated views for intro screen and iOS Audio file Overlay. (9/2/14)

v 1.5 Updated for BT 3.0 Core Self Hosted (12/9/13)

v1.2: Fixed some issues with iOS 6 where the "transition screen" would not load resulting
      in a black screen. This required a re-write of the logic that handles the
      loading and unloading of the movie player view controller.

v1.1: Fixed bug in Android Landscape mode where video would not show full screen.
This fix does not prevent Android from controlling the video scale in Portrait mode,
some devices will scale the video proportionatly in Portrait mode automatically, some will
show the video full screen in Portrait mode, it depends on the device.

iOS Project (5 files included)
1)     At53_video_player.h
     At53_video_player.xib (interface builder file, iPhone)
     At53_video_player~ipad.xib (interface builder file, iPad)
     at53_play.png (image for play button)

2) You must import the MediaPlayer Framework into your project for this plugin to work.

Android Project (3 files included)
1) (java class file)
     screen_at53_video_player.xml (layout file)
     at53_play.png (image for play button)
Sample JSON Data
{"itemId":"1111", "itemType":"At53_video_player", "itemNickname":"My Video",
"navBarTitleText":"My Video", "videoImageFileName":"videoThumbnail.png", "videoFileName":"rockstar.mp4"
"videoDescriptionColor":"#FFFFFF", "videoDescription":"My favorite band of all time"}