PowerPoint Doc

buzztouch plugin: PowerPoint Doc
Version: v1.7
PowerPoint documents can be included in the project and compiled in the application or they can be downloaded from a URL when the app runs. If they are downloaded from a URL they are cached on the device for offline use.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
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This displays an PowerPoint document that is either compiled in the Xcode or Android project or
loaded from a URL. If the document is loaded from a URL the device will cache it for offline use.
If the document is compiled in the app (and not loaded from a URL) it will display faster but you
will not be able to change the document without re-compiling the app. Deciding which approach is
best is sometimes difficult. It's usually best to load a document from a URL so the application
is lighter, more flexible, and updateable.

Launch in Native Browser: If you turn this option on in the advanced settings you must use the URL
option, local files cannot load in the device's native browser. Android: Most native browsers
on Android cannot display documents of this type and will download the document to the users
device instead.

iOS Project
1 Objective-C class (a total of 2 files) are needed.
BT_screen_pptDoc.m and .h

BT_screen_pptDoc.m is a UIViewController with a UIWebView used to display the file.

Android Project
1 .java class file is needed, 1 layout xml file is needed, and 1 image is needed (a total of 3 files)

BT_screen_pptDoc.java is an Android Activity that serves as a landing screen with two buttons and a
graphic. Open or Download. The screen_pptdoc.xml file handles the layout. A landing screen is
necessary because Android cannot display this type of document natively. When the Open button is used
the device will determine which application to display the document with.

Version History

v1.7     2/16/2014 (chris1) Fixed error related to missing control panel file.
v1.6     2/9/2014 (chris1) Updated for 3.0 control panels
v1.3     11/10/2012
          Minor syntax changes to accomodate for Xcode 4.5 compiler warnings.
          Minor changes in .java files to accomodate for Anroid (Google) 2.2 API's compiler warnings.
          Minor UI changes in .php files for control panel.

v1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (historical versions, no change details)


Most folks use the control panel to configure the JSON data for this plugin but it's useful to
see what it may look like. This example loads a document from a URL

     "navBarTitleText":"PowerPoint Doc",

This example loads a document from the applications bundle (compiled in Xcode or Eclipse). Note
that a localFileName is used instead of a dataURL.

     "navBarTitleText":"PowerPoint Doc",