Alert Menu

buzztouch plugin: Alert Menu
Version: v3.1
This Plugin uses the native Alert functionality to create pop-up navigation. You can configure the Title, Message, Button Labels, and what screen to load for each button.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerfarcat | 01/23/14 (v2.2)
Good value for money. Plugin works great. I wish it had the Android version though.
More Information
The Alert Menu plugin allows you to create a native UIAlertView with buttons for navigation.
For best results, set the menu item you tap to trigger the screen to "fade".
Configure up to four buttons to show. The cancel button will always show.

Plugin originally created by Jake Chasan.

Version History:
v1.0-Initial Release of Plugin
v1.1-Fixed problems with Control Panel interface:
     -Fixed issues saving to database
     -Fixed issue Button 4 Nickname
v1.2-Compatibility Updates
v2.0-Updated for iOS 3.0 Core
     -New Control Panel Integration
     -Customize the Cancel Button Title
v2.1-Compatibility Update for Buzztouch
v2.2-Fixed problem loading screens on BT3.0 Core
     -Fixed a typo in the control panel
v2.3-Compatibility with BT4.0 and iOS 10

v3.0 - Added Android Support!
v3.1 - Updated to show alert dialog without launching new screen first.

iOS Project

Android Project

"alertTitle”:”Alert Title”,
"alertMessage”:”Alert Message”,
"button1Title":"Button 1 Title",
"button2Title":"Button 2 Title",
"button3Title":"Button 3 Title"}