JSON Snippet Keeper
This advanced plugin allows you to save JSON Snippets in your control panel. JSON Snippets
are commonly used when working with custom class files and view controllers or when reusing common screens and features.



More Information
The JSON Snippet Plugin is a very advanced plugin that can help developers take more
control of their project than previously possible.
The overall idea is that the plugin will allow you to save "snippets" of valid
JSON data to your control panel, which can be used over and over again in your projects.
This JSON data can be for a single screen, or several screens, or for nested menus
containing infinite screens. As long as the JSON data is formatted correctly.
For example (a simple example):
Let's say you use the same splash screen for all your apps. Normally, you'd have
to add a splash screen to your project, then configure it how you want it
(background image, behaviour, etc.) Then when you create a new app, you have to
do that all over.
With the JSON Snippet Plugin, you can copy the full JSON text for that splash
screen (including all your normal settings) from an existing project's BT_Config.txt
file, and paste it into your control panel. Now when you want to re-use that
same type of screen, you can simply add this plugin to your project, and select
the snippet that you previously saved.
Now lets look at a more advanced example:
Let's say you use the same "More" Menu in every app you create. Included in
your More menu is a "Contact Me (email)" screen, a "Share" screen, a "URL" screen
leading to your website, and a "Call Us" screen, all listed in a Simple List Menu.
Traditionally, this would require you to create each screen, configure each screen,
and add them to the list menu. Thats 5 screens total, each with their own configuration.
With the JSON Snippet Plugin, you could create ONE "screen" which includes the
JSON text for that full menu, and add it to your next project with just a few clicks.
Create Once - Use Many Times!
The possiblities are endless (or at least until you fill up your database server).
iOS Project
The files included in this plugin are not required to be installed in your project.
All settings will be configured in your Buzztouch control panel (either Buzztouch.com or
Self Hosted)
Android Project
The files included in this plugin are not required to be installed in your project.
All settings will be configured in your Buzztouch control panel (either Buzztouch.com or
Self Hosted)
The beauty of this plugin is that you can include any valid JSON text (a snippet) in
the control panel, and it will be added to your BT_Config.txt when compiled or saved.