Add to Calendar

buzztouch plugin: Add to Calendar
Version: v1.1
This plugin allows you to add an event to your default calendar in iOS. DEMO This plugin requires you to add the EventKit and EventKitUI frameworks to your project.
works on iOS iOS
Developer Info
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More Information
AT Event Kit Add to Calendar
This plugin allows you crate an event that users can add to their default calendar in iOS. The app user will be presented with a screen with a button to 'Add Event to Calendar' below the image as well as on the top navbar.

This plugin requires you to add the EventKit and EventKitUI framework(s) to your project.

Note: The Image will scale to fit your dimensions. Images will not resize or rescale when the device rotates.
This plugin was designed in and works best in Portrait views.

This plugin is compatible with BT 3.0 Core ONLY.

Video Demo:

Version/Change log:
1.0 - 4/2/14 Initial Release to BT Market
1.1 - 4/10/14 Updated readme.txt to include video demo link and added new screen shots to show control panel. NO CODE Changes.

iOS Project
buzzcon2014_poster.png (demo event poster image)

Android Project
This plugin is not compatible with Android.

"itemId": "youritemIDhere",
"itemType": "AT_eventadd",
"itemNickname": "yournickname",
"navBarTitleText": "BuzzCon 2014",
"ATEventImageURL": "",
"ATEventTitle": "BuzzCon 2014",
"ATEventLocation": "Las Vegas, Nevada",
"allDay": "NO",
"ATEventStartTime": "2014-04-26:8:00",
"ATEventEndTime": "2014-04-26:20:00",
"ATEventURL": "",
"ATEventNotes": "Following the week long Code Camp, Buzztouch will host it's annual Buzzcon event at the Platinum Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Come meet other Buzztouch members and enjoy an interactive day of learning and networking."